2020 – The Year of the Sun

The Sun, in astrological terms, will have great importance in the year 2020. This star will be the ruler of the year that begins. This means that the luminary's features will gain prominence over the next year. The regency of the year by this star signals that the vital energy will have a strong presence and will be extremely important to carry on with projects. The Sun is a star that radiates heat and, therefore, keeps the planets orbiting around it. So it will be a year to shine in some area of ​​life.

2020 – The Year of the Sun

The Sun, in the natal chart of each one is positioned in some house. The location of this star on the map will indicate the area of ​​life that will be highlighted during the year, that is, where the brightness will occur and how it will occur. However, it is important to note that the aspects of this star with other points on the map should be analyzed. In this way it is possible to delineate the year of a particular person. For example, if an individual has many tense aspects involving this luminary, the year will be one of challenges. The year belongs to the Sun, but it is pertinent to understand that each map is unique and the manifestation of the characteristics of the Sun in each one's map will take place according to the configuration of that same star with other points on the map.

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In theory, it is essential to mention that, regardless of the conditions of the Sun in the chart, the year will highlight the attributes of the star king, which are: will, generosity, leadership, authority, clarity, etc.

The year of the Sun is related to a very old technique, from centuries ago and which is widely used in Esoteric Astrology. Every 36 years, a planet gains importance (rulership) and each year within that cycle gains the rulership of other planets (subperiods). We are currently in the 36-year cycle of Saturn, which began in 2017. The previous cycle, which ended in 2016, was that of the Sun. It is of great value to understand that the year 2020 is for the Sun, however the cycle is for Saturn. In this way we can understand that the expression of the characteristics of the Sun must be in accordance with the principles of Saturn. That is, the brightness, will and solar attributes wrongly manifested as ego, vanity, will pass through the sieve of Saturn.

2020 – The Year of the Sun

Saturn, in Astrology, is related to the idea of ​​commitment, responsibility, structure, cut.

Therefore, for a particular person to know what his year 2020 will be like, it is necessary to read the natal chart and observe, among other techniques, the conditions of the Sun in the natal chart.

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