Scorpio zodiac characteristics

Observant, reserved, romantic and very stubborn. Those are Scorpios! Do you, however, know all the details about this very special sign? Do you know what his symbol means, how he behaves in love and what are his main characteristics? Discover, in this article, everything you need to know about the Scorpio personality and their zodiac sign!

Sun in Scorpio

To understand the meaning of having the Sun in Scorpio, it is important to understand, first of all, the meaning of the Sun in the Birth Chart. At the time we were born, all the stars and planets were moving through some constellation, so this constellation is what will influence, with its characteristics, what the specific star or planet says about us. The Sun, for example, defines the main contours of our personality and the fundamental traits of who we are. If you were born when the Sun was in Scorpio, this sign will dictate your most essential characteristics.

Scorpio Symbols

Scorpio is symbolized by two animals: the scorpion, obviously, and the eagle. While the scorpion symbolizes the instinctual side of the sign, the eagle represents its ability to rise to instinct, to get in touch with greater things. These relationships are because the eagle flies and is one of the most active animals in the skies, while the scorpion crawls and is able to find hiding almost anywhere. Both animals appear together in the symbol of this sign because it represents an internal conflict between what is material and what is spiritual.

Scorpio zodiac characteristics
Alexis Munoz / Pixabay

Scorpio zodiac sign in love

When it comes to love, Scorpio is considered the most intense sign of the zodiac, because they love viscerally and without measuring the consequences. Some say that Scorpios are passionate about love, even more than they are passionate about the people they are in a relationship with. In addition to having this romantic trait, Scorpios are known for being quite sensual and for loving domination and flirting games. After conquering the loved one, however, they settle down and give themselves body and soul to the relationship.

Scorpio personality

Scorpios tend to be mysterious, so they don't open up often, even if they trust the person they're talking to. They are persistent people and, above all, obstinate in relation to the goals they want to achieve. They are loving and sensual with their partners and quite affectionate and affectionate with all the people they care about. They are often jealous and, in some cases, possessive. Scorpio natives are also very loyal to friends and faithful to partners. The Scorpio personality is, in short, intense in all its aspects.

Scorpio zodiac characteristics

Suspicious, despite loving very intensely, Scorpios take a while to surrender and even to reveal the deep feeling, so they test the ground little by little. Scorpio is a fixed sign, so Scorpios want a lot of stability, especially in romantic relationships, which are so important to them. They like long-term relationships, whether friendship or affection, because they can show and enjoy all the depth they have. Finally, they are observant people and always attentive to their surroundings.

Scorpio zodiac characteristics
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Scorpio and the other signs

β€” Aries: The relationship can be difficult, because Aries are outgoing and β€œaggressive” in approach, but Scorpios are more reserved.

β€” Taurus: expectation of a good relationship, because both love stability, trust and security.

β€” Gemini: There can be conflicts, as Geminis are more spontaneous and Scorpios are more reserved.

β€” Cancer: very emotional and loyal, Cancers and Scorpios have everything to live a great love or a beautiful friendship.

β€” Leo: Leos and Scorpios have strong and stubborn personalities, which can cause conflicts.

β€” Virgo: More methodical and cold, Virgo may have difficulty understanding Scorpio's passions, emotions and intensity.

Scorpio zodiac characteristics
Rudy and Peter Skitterians / Pixabay

β€” Libra: Libra is more intellectual, more analytical, and Scorpio is emotional, but both seek security and loyalty.

β€” Scorpio: Scorpios can get along very well or very badly with each other, because so much intensity is, at the same time, dangerous and delicious.

β€” Sagittarius: Sagittarius love to get carried away, so they can be good companions for Scorpios, who love to lead.

β€” Capricorn: Capricorns and Scorpios are very focused on their goals and are very suspicious of new people. They can get along well if they open up, even if little by little!

β€” Aquarius: Aquarius loves freedom and has very idealized ideas about the world, which can contrast with Scorpio's need for tranquility and security.

β€” Pisces: Pisces and Scorpio love trust and partnership, as well as being very protective, so it can be an amazing relationship for both of you!

Scorpio Astral Hell

Scorpio's astral hell starts 30 days before their birthday and usually happens during the sign of Libra. The main effect of the astral hell period on the Scorpio native is that, always so obstinate and decisive, he begins to have doubts about everything and becomes a little paralyzed. Agitation is also something that happens often, so looking for yourself and being in places that bring peace is essential at this time. He dedicates most of his time in these 30 days to himself, putting himself as a priority above everyone and everything.

Scorpio zodiac characteristics
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Scorpio Decans

Each sign occupies 30ΒΊ on the zodiac wheel and each 10ΒΊ of this space is governed by different characteristics of Scorpio's general personality. Understand the three Scorpio decans and their main characteristics:

1st decan (23/10 - 01/11) - People who are very intense and sincere, love everything that is mysterious and are very sensual. These are people who listen to their own intuition above all else.

2nd decan (02/11 - 11/11) - Scorpios are very emotional and sentimental, especially when it comes to love. He is not afraid to live on the edge of his skin and, especially, to live a great love.

3rd decan (12/11 - 21/11) β€” Scorpio natives who are very observant and more stubborn than everyone else. They are fighters and manage to overcome the greatest difficulties.

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These are the main characteristics of the Scorpio zodiac sign. In order to fully understand the influences of the stars on someone, however, it is necessary to make a complete astral map and analyze how each of the stars and planets influence the person's personality in a specific way.

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