Be happy in and out of the relationship

Being happy is the most common and universal goal. It's like the top of the mountain, the finish line, the most awaited gift. And this is totally natural. The problem is when we believe that being happy is tied to being in a relationship. Know that happiness only comes from within you and shouldn't be an assignment to someone else.

One of the possible definitions of happiness is: “state of a fully satisfied consciousness”. Cute right? Would you say you have reached that state? Does the feeling of well-being, contentment and a smile on your face visit you often? If your answer was positive, great! Enjoy and leave your suggestions in the comments so that everyone can get there too! Now if your answer was negative or you wavered a little before answering, how about following our tips below? I guarantee they help whether you're single or in a relationship!

Love and respect are the foundation for any relationship, for anyone. Love and respect yourself, love and respect your neighbor and you will have love and respect from those around you.

Enjoy your company; enough. Discover a hobby or something that makes you feel good and enjoy this moment of your own. This time can be a good time to get to know yourself better, find yourself and discover long-forgotten nuances of your personality.

Be happy in and out of the relationship

Invest in yourself and in the power of your security. Don't let mistrust, unfounded jealousy or that "flea behind the ear" influence your life and your relationship. Evaluate how you feel and what your partner demonstrates. Is there any reason for all this mistrust? Worth the reflection!

Be grateful and deserving of the happiness that is in your life. Be open and be receptive.

Look outside your comfort zone and take more risks. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or try something new, that's usually where great achievements and discoveries happen.

It's no use wanting to achieve happiness and a balanced life if you don't do anything for it. Fight for your goals, work to get what you want and always be active. The more we exercise our body and brain, the more we are invaded by a wave of well-being and break we become better, smarter, healthier and beautiful.

Don't create expectations that you will only be happy when you have something or when you enjoy someone's company. Give importance to the small achievements of everyday life and find happiness in small gestures and situations. How many times have you not won the day for a message you were sent or for being able to make that recipe?

In this modern and extremely technology-influenced world, an app can help you in this purpose as well. The name is very suggestive: Zen. Conceived by journalist Juliana Goes, Zen is free – with the exception of some features – and is available for Android and IOS, on the App Store or Google Play. It offers extensive content on well-being, meditation, reflections and motivation.

Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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