New Moon in Taurus 2020: strength and determination to move forward

On Thursday, April 22, 2020, a new lunar cycle began, the New Moon. The New Moon represents a phase of new beginnings, there is an impulse to start things.
It is important to emphasize that lunation (New Moon) occurs when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction (union).

New Moon in Taurus 2020: strength and determination to move forward
Unsplash / Marcus Dall Col

This lunation happens at 3ΒΊ 25ΒΊ of the sign of Taurus. This celestial event means that the energies related to this sign will manifest very strongly, for everyone, until the next New Moon on May 22nd, when there is the beginning of a new cycle.

After all, what does this New Moon in Taurus represent?

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Basically, it is possible to understand that Taurus is an earth sign and that it is related to everything that has material value. And this New Moon brings the focus to issues on a material level. Therefore, this period from April 22nd to May 22nd will require strength and self-confidence from all people to deal with changes that will involve financial stability.

The financial instability that is pronounced is due to the fact that the New Moon is conjunct Uranus. Uranus is a star that, in astrological chart readings, indicates changes, surprises, the unexpected, among others.

It is recommended that you do not start anything that involves financial expenses. The period is of containment. So look for alternatives, exchange information, communicate, ask for help, make partnerships, help (if you can).

New Moon in Taurus 2020: strength and determination to move forward
123rf/Dennis Van De Water

Venus (ruler of Taurus, sign of lunation), the planet of partnerships is in Gemini and the star asks for communication and exchanges, whether information or not. This same star (Venus), in trine (favorable aspect) with Mars (struggle, activity, initiative) in Aquarius (the collective), favors and gives strength to deal with the weather, and promotes greater collaboration between people.

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