Moon in Libra β€” Understand Her Influence on You!

Impartiality, moderation and conciliatory posture are some of the characteristics most associated with the sign known for balance: Libra, ruled by Venus and the Air element. But although the sun sign is important to define our personality, the other stars and planets also dictate who we are.

If you've ever made or read an astral map, you know that these celestial bodies are responsible for defining the specifics of who we are, while the Sun gives the general contours. And each star or planet is affected by a sign.

If your birth chart has indicated that you have the Moon in Libra, find out right now what that means.

A Tear on the astral map

Before understanding the meaning of the Moon in Libra, you need to understand, first of all, what is the influence of the Moon on our personality. As mentioned in the introduction, the sun sign is the one that indicates the β€œgeneral lines” of who we are, that is, the outline of our personality, but it is the planets and stars that define the specifics of who we are. The Moon, for example, is responsible for defining how we react emotionally and sentimentally to everything that happens in our lives, and how we deal with our feelings and emotions.

In addition, the Moon is a symbol of motherhood and femininity, so it represents the mother, that is, the one who welcomes, cares, nourishes and protects, then indicates the way we deal with our family and our past, in addition to determining what it's more intimate in who we are.

Moon in Libra in the birth chart

But, after all, what does it mean to have the Moon in Libra in the birth chart? In general terms, it indicates that, at the time of your birth, the Moon was transiting specifically in the sign of Libra, so this sign is the one who will be responsible for defining the way you deal with your emotions, with your past and with what what is most intimate about your personality and what you are.

Moon in Libra β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
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Characteristics of the person with Moon in Libra

Those who interact with and observe people who have the Moon in Libra usually think that they are facing someone calm and peaceful, because that is what the person influenced by this astrological position always tries to convey, but the truth is that this is just a cover for a personality full of doubts and questions about himself, so it is essential that this person is surrounded by trusted friends and family, whom he can turn to when he needs to talk.

This person is also very sensitive to turmoil and turbulent and disharmonious communications. Fights, intemperances and disagreements are capable of suddenly taking her off course, so she has a hard time dealing with anyone who has problems communicating and expressing themselves without being clear or being aggressive.

Two very important things for this person are balance and moderation. Of course, these traits are necessary in her personality, but they end up reverberating in her social interaction needs, so that's what she expects from the people she interacts with. If forced to be around people who commit excesses and don't care too much about their own well-being, that person will be deeply uncomfortable.

The man with the Moon in Libra

The main specific characteristic of the man with the Moon in Libra is a certain impermanence, which means that he has difficulty with the feeling of being stagnant, so he is always on the lookout for novelties and to find ways to break the doldrums and shake his structures in looking for something that makes you escape the feeling that everything is at a standstill.

Dispersion and distraction are two other characteristics of the man influenced by this astrological position, so he has a lot of trouble concentrating and completing tasks and obligations in the time they need to be completed.

In the midst of these personality traits, the main positive point of the man with this position in his chart is a great level of tranquility and peace with which he is endowed, so he is a very harmonious person, who is always trying to reconcile opinions and everyone's wishes, so he is always a dear person in the work environment, in the family or in study groups and friends.

Moon in Libra β€” Understand Her Influence on You!

The woman with the Moon in Libra

On the other hand, the woman influenced by the Moon in Libra is a person who is always rethinking her priorities, her dreams and her goals, especially the long-term ones. This is positive, because it keeps you moving, always questioning your plans and reassessing whether you are on the ideal path to achieve them, but it can also cause some setbacks, such as planning your life around a certain goal, but realizing one day that you are no longer want to achieve this goal.

Identity crises, therefore, are quite common throughout the life of this person, who will always need to stop and think if he really knows himself, if he is really going in the direction he wants, if the dreams he had yesterday are really the dreams of today.

Finally, the woman with the Moon in Libra is a progressive woman. As she is always changing her plans to adapt them to current conditions, she is also able to keep up with the changes in the world and incorporate them into her thoughts, as well as publicly supporting them in her relationships with other people. The more changes, the better for the woman with the Moon in Libra personality.

Personal relationships of those who have Moon in Libra

First of all, this person needs to be very careful before choosing a partner to maintain a serious relationship, especially if he is a woman. As described in the previous topics, this person is quite anxious and willing to change, but it is difficult to keep changing plans and dreams when there is a person sharing your life with us... The advice is: before getting involved with someone, think about what want and make it clear that their opinions often change, so this person should want to keep up with the frequency of these changes.

An open mind is another essential requirement for anyone who wants to have a relationship with someone influenced by this astrological position, because this person is always very up to date with the news and changes in the world, so he hates retrograde and conservative people. In love relationships, it is a very positive point if the partner is open-minded in bed, even.

Friendship, dating, family, work, study colleagues… In all environments and to all people, those who have the Moon in Libra tend to dedicate a lot of respect and attentive ears to everyone, because they hate rudeness and do everything to avoid fights. and disagreements.

Moon in Libra β€” Understand Her Influence on You!

The challenges of those who have Moon in Libra

There is no denying it: the main challenge for this person is really dealing with their indecisions and with the transformations, often extreme, in their personality and in their goals and dreams. It's ok to change, no problem, but take it easy to deal with the people who participated in the initial plan that has now changed to something different.

Emotional and affective responsibility is very important, therefore, so that this person does not end up hurting innocent people with their sudden changes in life direction. Nobody deserves to be dumped after so long in a relationship just because you want to drop everything and live a different life. Take it easy.

Being more flexible with each other is also essential. It's ok, you have your way, your routine, your tastes and your opinions, but no one is obligated to follow you, so understand that everyone has their opinion and their taste. Above all, respect people.

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These are the main characteristics of the personality of those who have the Moon in Libra, but it is very important that you make a complete astral map to understand how the traits brought by this astrological position β€œtalk” to other planetary positions, influencing your personality as a whole. .

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