Who was Louise Hay?

    Hi, my name is Jennifer Lepoutre, I have been working with the official HYL Louise Hay method since 2018 at España and I am a Teacher Mentor from here. In addition to being the only active and licensed individual in coaching in Spain, at the moment I am also a facilitator in groups using this method.

    I would like to talk a little about the Louise Hay method and explain how it came about.

    Well, to understand the method it is necessary to explain the basics of the life of our dear Louise Hay.

    Louise Hay was born October 8, 1926 and passed away at the age of 90 on August 30, 2017.

    In these 90 years of trajectory, Louise began her life being left at the age of 18 months with people who took care of her while her mother worked as a domestic to support her daughter, as she had divorced Louise's father. After crying for three consecutive weeks and the family asking her mother to get her back, Louise's mother came to look for her and had to find a new job.

    Being in these conditions, Louise's mother ended up marrying a cruel man. Louise's stepfather, who was raised in a cruel home, repeated what he experienced in his childhood by being violent with Louise, her mother and her sister. It was around the same time that a neighbor, “an old drunk,” as Louise referred to him, raped her and was sentenced to prison. Many people around Louise told her even at that age that it was her fault and this led her to believe that he would pursue her once he was released because she “was so mean” to him! And that's exactly what this little girl understood at the time, thinking that, of course, she was evil and guilty.

    Who was Louise Hay?
    Kat Jayne / Pexels

    And so there followed several other physical and sexual abuses in the interval of heavy work that Louise had to perform, which caused her self-esteem to drop even before she became an adult. It is important to summarize Louise's childhood so that there is an understanding of what kind of story we are talking about and how this young woman started seeing life and ended up transforming all this into learning, becoming one of the best known people in the world of metaphysics and self knowledge.

    After that, Louise Hay continued to have such low self-esteem that, year after year, she continued to have a life that didn't work out. With the modeling job she had found years later, her self-esteem improved and gradually she stopped attracting men who mistreated her. She was married to a very cordial Englishman for fourteen years, and when she began to believe that good things could last, he filed for divorce to live with another woman.

    Louise, however, felt that something was changing, and when she attended a church of the mind meeting in New York, she felt that change had indeed begun. From then on, she began to study everything related to metaphysics and alternative healing. Her life, therefore, was transformed into the way we know it today by attending the church of the mind around 1968.

    Who was Louise Hay?
    Nikko Tan / Pexels

    After a few years, he began to see people individually and to realize that all illnesses had similar mental and emotional patterns. In this way and from there, she decided to write her book entitled “Cure your body”, which was based on all the consultations she did. (Years later, Louise and Dr. Monalisa wrote a book in which they showed the relationship between Louise Hay's discoveries and traditional medicine, proving their effectiveness and veracity).

    In 1980, Louise had cancer of the vagina. The doctors wanted to operate on her, but Louise saw the illness, which for her meant resentment, as an opportunity to prove her theory. Furthermore, Louise considered it possible to cure herself through unconventional methods; in 6 months, she was able to treat her cancer. She understood that much of her cancer was correlated with her unforgiven experiences from her past and childhood, and through various practices, she was able to heal.

    It was from there that Louise Hay realized that no theory was valid unless it was actually put into practice. In this way, she began giving face-to-face workshops to teach and pass on to people the techniques that helped her to heal from cancer. These workshops (which today correspond to the official two-day workshop and/or retreat within the method) helped many people put Louise Hay's teachings into practice and had such an impact on their lives that many asked Hay to write a book about this method. Another participant was so shocked after this experience, reporting that it had changed her life so much and that that transformation was not just bodily, but that it served to heal LIVES. It was from this suggestion that the title of the book “You Can Heal Your Life” was born, because, four years after her cancer, Louise decided to write it, which became a best seller numerous times in the New York Times a few years later.

    In 1987, Hay inaugurated Hay Hause, the publishing house founded to facilitate the publication of self-knowledge books, this being one of the steps that made her become and be considered one of the main precursors of metaphysics and self-help in the world, especially in the decades from 70-80.

    So, in 1988, Louise Hay was called to the Oprah Show and it became an American and therefore global craze on the subject!

    • Affirmation for Healing Cancer by Louise L. Hay
    • Foods that help fight cancer
    • Attitudes that ward off cancer
    • Reflect on the power that your self-esteem stimulates in you

    I love Louise Hay and her method primarily because, as we can see, it is not a magical story, but a story of perseverance, change, a lot of purpose, a lot of experience and a lot of practice.

    Everything in the method is based on experiences, experiences and is far from being a theory, as it is basically the result of thousands of people who have used a method tested on Louise herself and on all the people who chose to follow her path.

    The biggest proof that his method really works are the countless reports of healing, spiritual, mental and bodily, that exist around the world.

    A more than admirable lady with incredible wisdom and not afraid to put into practice and share her recipe for success. That, therefore, would be the summary of the method for me.

    Today, I would say that the best way to experience and experience the method and see if this path that has worked for people all over the world, no matter their race, gender or religion, is through Louise's best-known books. and its workshop/retreat offered by official teachers.

    For more information, go to the website and check the teachers licensed in España. It is important that you are a licensed teacher, as we are the only ones who have the training to guarantee you the same experience that Louise herself created, asking that nothing be changed.

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