Mercury in Aries

According to Astrology, all elements of the Universe exert some influence on us. They can define our personalities, our feelings, our defects, our qualities and the ways we communicate, as is the case with the planet Mercury.

In the birth chart, therefore, the astrological aspect of Mercury is what indicates how a person demonstrates what he thinks and what he feels. Maybe she communicates well with the written word, maybe she does better talking. There is no right or wrong when it comes to communication, as long as there is respect.

Despite this, some characteristics stimulated by Mercury in a person can make the process of communicating a little more difficult. Irritability, indecision, shyness and acidic comments, for example, are capable of undermining a dialogue that could result in a great conversation.

That's why we need to understand what are the qualities and defects that Mercury will bring out in us. To do this, see what the astrological aspect of this planet is in your birth chart. If you have Mercury in Aries, keep reading the article to learn more about the way you communicate!

Characteristics of those who have Mercury in Aries

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Because of this, we noticed that people influenced by him are quite competitive and want to be pioneers in everything. While this indicates originality, it is also synonymous with impulsiveness.

In the communication stimulated by Mercury in Aries, these characteristics are present. Analyzing the qualities, at first, it is identified that the natives are honest, incisive and decisive. That's because they think fast, organize arguments efficiently, and know how to use words to their advantage.

Therefore, those who have Mercury in Aries are able to sustain a discussion with energy and confidence without being shaken. This characteristic is especially positive for defending ideas, for taking a stand on a series of issues and for promoting original thoughts, which could be lost without the Aryan attitude.

So, if you know a person who likes to debate, who knows how to argue and who doesn't accept to lose an argument, chances are he has Mercury in Aries. Maybe she's even defended you at some point, because she's able to do that with ease if she's sure she's doing well in the topic at hand.

What does a person with Mercury in Aries have to learn?

Although the characteristics of those with Mercury in Aries are quite positive, encouraging security, self-confidence and the expression of ideas, there is a negative side. When a person believes that his arguments are better than others, he can incorporate an arrogant tone in the speeches he makes.

Because of this, this individual conveys a somewhat negative image, as if he thinks he is the owner of reason. In addition, because he is quite direct, this native can sound aggressive in some cases, which causes communication to be interrupted or becomes a reason for disagreement.

Mercury in Aries
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Another point of attention for those who have Mercury in Aries is impulsiveness. Since this person wants to be first in everything, he may end up making decisions without thinking about them, just to form an opinion quickly. This does not mean that this thought will be maintained for a long time, which brings an impression of incoherence to certain discourses.

In this way, a person with Mercury in Aries needs to learn a few things to be someone better every day. The first is that it is not necessary to give an opinion about everything, especially about what is not certain for them. Pioneering without conscience can be read as irresponsibility, subverting the positive meaning of this characteristic.

Second, we need to measure our words when we are dealing with someone else's feelings. Winning an argument is no more important than preserving the respect and well-being of those who are talking to us. That is, use common sense when presenting your point of view, give the other person space to speak and, above all, respect them.

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Finally, those who have Mercury in Aries must recognize that, even if they have good ideas, there are other ways of looking at reality. Therefore, it is necessary to control overconfidence in one's own positions and keep an open mind for dialogue. From there, it will be possible to build better relationships.

Considering all the information presented, we understand that Mercury in Aries is an astrological aspect that encourages fast, efficient and confident communication. If the person who has this characteristic in the birth chart knows how to stimulate only the best qualities in himself, paying attention to possible defects, he will be very successful in expressing himself!

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