Photography is real life

    Photographing and witnessing the existence of that look… When we talk about photography, we have a feeling of the past, but photography is present… that preserves itself… fascinates… that parks us to what was, once, real… and save the photographer who invented this so beautiful art to immortalize!

    Records of experiences, which quickly became the past. In them are the sensitivity, the reflections of unique moments. The present is ephemeral, what about memories? We are made of memories, which we live throughout our lives.

    My mother always looked for a way to photograph us when we were still children, and we took many photographs. Photographs that were bought, after developed, and many of them sent by letters to distant relatives, so that, from where they were, they could see how beautiful and healthy their offspring grew. For us, a family from the interior of the northeastern hinterland, looking today at the portraits of the time, simple, classic, as most photographs were in the past, I greatly admire the quality of that art today so memorable and significant for us.

    Photography is real life
    bgwalker de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    My world of photography experience, for example, was considered a comedy. People, who were from the interior, took almost two months to find out the result of that film of 24 or 36 poses that I sent to Belo Horizonte or São Paulo to be developed. The return days were numbered, looking for the envelope in the mail, more anxiety, cropped photos, sometimes without a head, only the floor… half the cake and birthdays that were missing from the photo… it was tragic… joy, what emotion, what gratitude!

    Back in my teens, I didn't like photographs. I thought I was much uglier than today.

    She was a girl like that, awkward, really dull, thin shins, skinny, her knees were huge – the first ones that stood out in the photos –, her hair was curly, very sharp (the first Rinse creams were arriving in our country). So imagine, curly hair, no creams, white, sun-kissed skin, full-mouthed, how could she be beautiful in appearance?

    And I was really ugly — I confess today I think I'm even prettier, in addition to being very photogenic —, I believe I didn't like photos very much, because in addition to ugliness, I was always very serious, and the photos always showed that I lived a lot straight away. closed, angry, I don't know! Photography expresses the moments exactly as they are, and maybe that's why I had a certain trauma with the camera, I felt without laughter, without brightness, without beauty, exactly ugly, really!

    Over time, I began to see myself in a more beautiful way through the results of the photos, perhaps the smile in my eyes, an expression of happiness that, before, did not exist, welled up inside me, and I realized that there was beauty in the photos, not in me! And everyone says: wow, she is photogenic (until today) — a reflection that I'm still ugly, but between expressive of joy and photogenic (beautiful), I'm satisfied with the last option...
    I started to enjoy taking pictures, of myself and also of people. I had simple cameras, like the disposable Love, with color photos, a common camera with 24 and 36 poses films, a digital camera, until the current era of cell phones…

    For me, photographs always had the sense of being the true time machine: that take us back to some happy moment in life. Photography will forever be the time machine. Not only do we freeze the moments, but when we reveal the photographs and open the albums to look, we realize the value of the memories found there and preserved in each event, the connection full of explanation... story looking at the pictures is very gratifying…

    Photography is real life
    freemixer de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    A trip back in time, because it was the real moment lived! Or even when we find old photos of relatives or our childhood revealed on colored papers, or most of them, which were black and white, or in binoculars. What great contentment!

    These are unique moments, which history shows us exactly what we have lived through, and how we have changed in appearance, in the different models we wear, the period haircuts and unforgettable trips…

    Today's snapshots will have few memories, they disappear like social networks, and what will we keep from a time of so many portraits? Of the meetings of our families, our grandchildren, great-grandchildren, if we are not careful to make such memories on paper?

    And today, you don't have to think you're ugly or ugly like I did, there are so many ways to make the photos look perfect and beautiful, just like that, instantly.
    We know that future generations will be more of virtual albums, and like them, we make a whirlwind of virtual images (unlike our time, when the film had a maximum of 36 photos, and many of them, we lost).

    This avalanche of images that fill our cell phones and the social networks of our moments, of the baby growing up, of travel, of special parties, are losing materiality, leaving the moments not to be eternalized as a preservation of memory revealed to, one day, the stories and these moments to be counted.
    Oh! A photographer and his art in making photography!

    What would weddings, births, baptisms, 15 years, graduation parties, XNUMX years, be without the presence of one of them! Because photography is, above all, knowing how to see and immortalize the moments that don't go away as just entertainment. We often say, you don't need to hire a professional photographer, we all know how to photograph.

    Photography is real life
    Filadendron by Getty Images Signature/Canva

    Yes, we all recorded beautiful moments, with special looks and angles, if the intention is to play with different spontaneous versions, it's great, you can even create new traits, pout, etc.

    But the photographer sees and immortalizes in a different way, with that impetuous camera, he seems to reach the essence of people, transmitting the emotions and expressions, there mirrored in the click, as if making a painting!

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    Photographing are eternal rests that are transformed into poetry, memories and stories to tell… stories of photography. REVEAL your moments — “because beautiful memories are imprinted memories”. Photography is more than an art painting! Photography is real life. Long live the art of being a photographer! Live the reality of knowing how to do photography!

    Photography is real life
    Personal Collection / Lande Bonfim / Eu Sem Fronteiras
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