Meaning of the Moon in the Astrological Chart

Astrology is an ancient study that crosses the history of human civilization and has its first documented records from the first peoples. The birth chart is basically an accurate record of the movements of the planets at the moment we are born. And how such energy flows could and can contribute to our personal development process.

Reading a birth chart is divided into different points that make connection with planets, signs, elements, astrological houses, among other aspects that cause influences that are reflected in experiences. Each one symbolizes its function, its lessons, its learning, its themes to be worked on, that is, it is a complementary tool of great help for those who are in the search for self-knowledge.

Regarding the most important observations in the interpretation of a birth chart, the Moon is considered one of the protagonists next to the Sun and ascendant, as it is she who speaks of emotions and the way we express ourselves and demonstrate feelings. It is ancestral heritage, from the past, from the domestic environment, the habits we cultivate, the cycles and the way we relate to our mother.

In addition to characterizing the mother figure, the Moon's connection is with everything that nourishes us and with the way we absorb food. According to the sign located in it, there is a relationship of messages and archetypal information that reveal our sentimental side and how we manifest ourselves in this area. Check out brief characteristics of each sign's Moon and see what it reveals!

Meaning of the Moon in the Astrological Chart
AlexyPnferov / Julia Dreams / Getty Images / Canva Pro

Moon in Aries

Extremely focused on himself, the person with the Moon in Aries puts a lot of strength and energy in everything he does, especially at work. Fearless and sensitive at heart, she doesn't like to feel inferior, is hasty, needs her accomplishments to come quickly and needs to feel admired and appreciated.

Moon in Taurus

From the earth element, this Moon demands stability, comfort and security. The person with Moon in Taurus has difficulties with changes, is quite possessive, but very faithful to those he loves, being very welcoming and motherly. The emotional is strong and stable, but in situations of pressure, it can show stubbornness and rationality.

Moon in Gemini

Multifaceted, this Moon is impulsive and restless, as she is always doing several things simultaneously and her emotions are very fickle because of this. Gemini overanalyzes and rationalizes what he feels, hence the mental confusion. Due to her high degree of curiosity, she moves towards adventures.

Moon in Cancer

The sense of protection is what marks this vulnerable and sensitive Moon, represented by the sign that symbolizes the mother in the zodiac. Protective, thoughtful, affectionate and emotionally capable of being shaken, this Moon needs security. Those with Moon in Cancer are usually attached to family and home.

Moon in Leo

Confident, self-confident and decisive, this Moon is haughty, cheerful and funny. She likes to feel unique, hates to be left out, but she is generous and has an unparalleled altruistic spirit. Born with Moon in Leo are usually determined and idealistic, so they carry a reputation as stubborn, proud and intolerant.

Moon in Virgo

Analytical, the Moon in Virgo examines your feelings in detail, as it demands a lot from you. She is generous with others, but when it comes to her, the struggle with lack of trust is enormous. In addition, he seeks to value what he does and suffers from charging himself too much. Reserved, shares what he feels only with those he trusts.

Moon in Libra

Totally averse to conflicts and confrontations, this Moon loves to please everyone and, being very dependent in the affective field, is always in search of a companion. She is kind, polite, friendly, friendly, communicative and very thoughtful. In addition, she likes to receive expressions of affection to make her feel safe, otherwise she can show jealousy.

Moon in Scorpio

Emotional, intense, jealous and introspective, this Moon proves to be entirely resilient due to her great capacity for regeneration. On the negative side, she suffers from the fear of being abandoned, has a strong propensity for paranoia and distrust due to the jealousy and possessiveness that emerges in this sign.

Moon in Sagittarius

Pathfinder, those who have the Moon in Sagittarius dream of a better world, are witty, positivist and need motivation to use their energy. Regardless, he does what he wants when he wants and hates being pushed around, especially in an emotional sense. He likes freedom, changes, outdoor activities and can't stand being isolated.

moon in Capricorn

Attentive, careful and very applied, this Moon needs to feel in control of situations, otherwise it weakens. She can be authoritarian and insecure, but she is moderate and decisive. Self-contained, organized, and responsible, the Moon in Capricorn indicates hard-working individuals who like to feel useful.

moon in aquarius

Untraditional, this Moon runs away from the norm and is extremely independent. She is somewhat unpredictable, aloof and detached, always putting friends first rather than romance. Futuristic, humanitarian, creative and sociable, the Moon in Aquarius is divided between coldness and altruism.

Moon in Pisces

With a profoundly heightened sensitivity, he lives in the true β€œworld of the moon”, as he is prone to fantasy. Because she is empathetic, welcoming and supportive of those she approaches, she ends up absorbing the energies of everyone around her. People with this Moon tend to be artistic, like the mystical and getting involved with the esoteric.

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As Astrology presents a vastness of contents and extensive knowledge, analyzes such as the Moon tend to be more comprehensive when there is the help of an astral map, understood by the observation of an astrologer or curious people who study the mysteries and conjunctures of the stars. For those who want to go further in their studies, it is worth the deepening.

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