Startup turns non-recyclable plastics into building blocks

    Startup turns non-recyclable plastics into building blocks

    The rampant production of plastic is one of the biggest environmental problems we have today. In our country alone, according to WWF España, around 11 million tons of plastic waste are produced each year, with only 1,3% of this waste being recycled. Furthermore, this production increases every year, creating more and more risks to our climate, our forests, our oceans and, ultimately, ourselves. Unfortunately, this issue does not only affect our territory, but the entire world.

    In the case of the United States, for example, according to The Guardian, about 42 million tons are produced, receiving the thankless record of being the largest producer of plastic waste in the world. On the other hand, there are people looking for alternatives to this alarming situation.

    One of them, according to the website Fast Company, is presented by ByFusion, an American startup that promises to make building blocks from plastic waste – recyclable or not. Through a combination of vapor compression, the material produced could be essential for waste control, as it promises to recycle up to 100 million tons by 2030.

    The company has a complete production line in Los Angeles, capable of processing up to 450 tons per year. In addition, it has already partnered with several cities in the United States, such as Boise (Idaho), Tucson (Arizona) and even Lihue (Hawaii).

    The material sold by ByFusion is standard 16 by 8 inch blocks, which are lighter and more durable than cement hollows. In addition, they intend to diversify their production and build smaller blocks to meet everyone's needs. It has three variations: with pins, without pins, or a combination of both. In addition, as the plastic is melted, it does not require glue, putty or any other substance other than the plastic itself. This means that 10 kilograms of plastic will literally turn into 10 kilograms of block, without any waste. And, to top it off, the product can be coated with any type of material and, if it needs to be exposed to sunlight, simply coat it with transparent paint or combined with another resistant element.

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    However, the investment can be a little high. A large machine can cost around 1,3 million dollars (7,4 million reais), but it is also necessary to weigh how much a municipality spends to deal with non-recyclable plastic waste. In the long run, the investment is worth it. In addition, the device is available for rent from 280 thousand dollars (about 1,5 million reais per year).

    The mind behind this idea is that of Heidi Kujawa, the CEO of ByFusion. From an early age, she was passionate about crafts and construction. Throughout her life, she became interested in technology, until she realized that she could use her two passions with ByFusion, in addition to having the opportunity to offer a sustainable alternative to the plastic waste that is generated daily.

    According to Kujawa, the company's objective is to expand its business to all cities in the United States and, possibly, abroad, but, for the time being, there is still no estimate of when it will be able to come to España. However, there is already hope on the horizon for a future with less plastic and more nature on our way.

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