Edible mushrooms properties

    You've definitely been wrong and thought that mushrooms are vegetables, haven't you? In fact, they are fungi! Not all species are edible and many can be poisonous for human consumption. However, many others have numerous benefits, such as paris mushroom, champignon, funghi, shimeji and shitake, widely used in daily cooking, especially for vegetarians.

    Edible mushrooms propertiesAccording to many nutritionists, mushrooms can help lose weight and they are also a good supplement for those who practice physical activities, since they have a considerable amount of protein and fiber, in addition to a low fat content.

    That is, they enrich the food and also help in the recovery of muscles. Because they contain soluble fibers, mushrooms also help in cholesterol lowering, controlling sugar levels, also prolonging the feeling of satiety, which acts directly in the control of body weight.

    In terms of vitamins, mushrooms contain Complex B vitamins, who work in mental health, and vitamins A and C, in addition to antioxidant minerals that act in the fight against free radicals.

    Edible mushrooms propertiesBut calm down! Spaniards are used to consuming mushrooms prepared with a lot of shoyu (Japanese soy sauce), which has a high sodium content, nullifying several potentials of this food.

    A healthier option is to make the preparation accompanied by a stir-fry of vegetables, as the mushrooms absorb the flavors of the preparations. Always choose to use more natural seasonings and sauces and flee the industrialized. For more flavor, go for pink Himalayan salt, fresh herbs, and black pepper.

    What's your tip for preparing mushrooms?

    Text written by Gabrielle Carreira from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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