Entry of Venus in Libra

    Venus enters the day august six em Pound and will stay there until the XNUMXth of September. Its transit brings us greater awareness of harmony, balance and justice.

    This position increases the capacity for affection in exchange in relationships and makes Libras stand out. Taureans are also impacted with the aspects that Venus will receive. Read carefully and act on your experiences with greater awareness.

    Signs that are led to reflect on love and self-worth: Libra and Aries;

    Signs that benefit from this transit: Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo;

    Signs that feel challenged to find the balance point in relationships: Capricorn and Cancer.

    Let's understand the quality of the aspects that Venus will face over the next few days in the sign of Libra:

    Entry of Venus in LibraAugust XNUMXth

    Venus makes a favorable aspect to its counterpart, the planet Mars. It activates a wonderful experience of manifestation of affection and affection. We can already count on the entrance of Venus a more conscious look at the pleasure exchanged in relationships. You can count on tuning in for two and a more loving interaction.

    August XNUMXth

    Venus is in conflict with Saturn. This aspect is challenging because it asks for maturity to relate and development of self-worth. It will definitely move Libras a lot and those with Libra rising as well. Overcoming the fears and conflicts that exist in relationships is essential to grow and mature. The planet Saturn always works at the conscious level to face facts and process reality. Therefore, it can bring pain, limitations and confrontations. But by overcoming challenges, we can achieve merits that allow us to structure relationships with greater justice. Another important circumstance brought by Saturn is the sense of time… Only with time do we become more prepared to interact with such experiences.

    Entry of Venus in Libra

    August eighteenth

    A harmonious aspect with the planet Mercury allows us to express feelings and seek more satisfying movements. It is a day for good news and for articulating ideas that are in tune with us.

    August twenty-sixth

    It is a day to overcome the disaffected and act with justice and wisdom. Facing head-on experiences of control, manipulation and obsessive patterns in the relationship are important factors in transmuting feelings such as revenge, deep disaffection, envy, jealousy and open rivalries. Let go of all that to lead relationships with healthy bonds. The planet Pluto comes to warn us that the β€œhole is further down”, that is, we must understand the experience in depth and maybe even with the help of a therapist or psychologist. Don't carry what is not yours and transmute it all with a lot of consciousness and high love.

    Check out more astrology articles. Access: Learn about Mercury Retrograde

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