Capricorn, Jupiter and the grand conjunction in 2020

The year 2020 will be special, because in addition to being the year of the Sun, there is, in the Sky of the moment, a great conjunction (union) in the sign of Capricorn. The planets clustered in Capricorn are Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, which entered this sign on the 16th of February. This connection of stars represents a rare event. And because it is an isolated agglutination, it aims to prepare humanity for great changes, both at an individual and collective level.

Capricorn, Jupiter and the grand conjunction in 2020

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, following the zodiacal order from Aries to Pisces. This sign is symbolized, mythologically, by an animal that is described as a goat with a fish tail. The emphasis of planets in Capricorn signals the importance of wisdom, seriousness, responsibility, commitment, order, structure, and honesty.

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The configuration of planets in Capricorn began to form with Saturn's entry into this sign on December 20, 2017. Saturn is also ruler of the cycle that began in 2017 and goes until 2052. The larger cycle that goes until 2052 and the transit of Saturn through Capricorn, lasting 2 and a half years, are distinct events that aim to promote adjustments so that humanity becomes more mature, giving impetus to justice to dominate.

Jupiter, the planet of opportunities, entered Capricorn on December 2, 2019 bringing new paths and possibilities. Jupiter will transit Capricorn until December 18, 2020. In Capricorn, Jupiter, whose sign of domicile (state of comfort in which a planet is) is Sagittarius, a sign that is related to expansion, joy and optimism, will be oriented towards a more serious and mature posture. It is very common to see people despair because of the less expansive expression of Jupiter in Capricorn, however, there is no reason to fear. It's just knowing how to work the Capricorn and Jovian qualities with a sense of reality.

Capricorn, Jupiter and the grand conjunction in 2020

Finally, we can understand that it will be a great year, with many challenges, a lot of work and paradigm shifts. For sure, we will be renewed and with a new perception of situations when this great conjunction passes.

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