What is Ho'oponopono?

    Ho'Oponopono is a Hawaiian healing system that means correcting a wrong, since in the Hawaiian language Ho'o means cause and ponopono means perfection. Furthermore, the practice of Ho'oponopono for the Kahunas brings balance between three stances, the three β€œI's” that we possess: Uhane, the conscious β€œI”; Unihipili, the middle β€œI”, our instinctive or unconscious Self and the Aumakua, the higher β€œI”.

    We have 5% of our conscious mind, 65% unconscious and 30% superconscious. We use the conscious to decide our life, but while it is the β€œhead”, the unconscious is the β€œneck”. It is the unconscious that ends up directing our thoughts and actions, since it has stored memories of other lives, other levels of consciousness, our kinship relationships and events throughout our lives. At some point we learned that a certain behavior or idea was ideal to protect us, or that it was right for us, but today it no longer makes sense and ends up bringing an unsatisfactory or unhappy result. And Ho'Oponopono manages to act in this deeper field, more difficult to access, transmuting it.

    To reach the unconscious we need to be in an alpha or hypnotic state, and it is also possible to repeat written or spoken words multiple times. There are resources used to work an unconscious pattern such as NLP, meditations, hypnosis, regression, but nothing is as efficient as Ho'Oponopono, which in addition to connecting the "Three Selves" of the being with divine Intelligence, is easy to learn and practice. .

    What is Ho'oponopono?
    Ekaterina Krusanova / Unsplash

    Practicing Ho'Oponopono conscious of all its meaning and with lucidity makes us an Integral Being. We are spiritual beings having a material experience, not material beings who seek spirituality in order to have a spiritual experience. In fact, this search is the search for the spiritual essence of each one of us and that is why it brings so much fulfillment to people who enter this path.

    As was said before, the problem is the key to Ho'Oponopono, as it appears bringing to light something that needs to be transmuted, restored, and that many times the cause is not known and therefore it is important to define it well. For example, you have a certain way of acting that you don't like, but when you least expect it, you repeat the same trait that is ingrained in your personality and you have no idea why you act this way. You will be able to work on this defect by practicing Ho'Oponopono without understanding its cause and there is the possibility of having some insight that shows its origin, as has happened in many cases. It will all make a lot of sense to you, as well as benefiting from the result.

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    As I said earlier, repeating words can reach our unconscious, whether written or spoken. For words to emerge, they are first thought by us and even if not said and written, if repeated a lot, they already form a pattern of thought. So it is with emotions. They arise after an idea has formed in the mind, either at the moment or already an established neural pattern. This is important to show us the following: it all starts with thought.

    When Kahunas families got together to solve a problem with a child, they were aware that that child had been the most sensitive, and that he could have been a victim as a result of the thoughts of the whole family. So they practiced Ho'Oponopono always, even without a recent or recurring problem, they saw it as a spiritual bath. A bath that took care of the mind, thoughts, that took care of the spirit, consequently the emotions and the body in material life, promoting the Integral Being.

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