Aquarius zodiac traits

Free, independent, creative and quite intelligent. So are Aquarians, who are also quite sexual and hate feeling that they are being controlled by something or someone. But do you know all the details of the Aquarius zodiac sign? Do you know their symbols, their personality and the way they love? Take advantage of this article to know all the details of the personality of the native of Aquarius and understand everything about this sign!

Sun in Aquarius

In the Astral Map, each star and each planet has a different function and influences us in its own way. The Sun, for example, is a star that indicates our most fundamental characteristics, that is, what we are in essence, the most basic of the basics of who we are, that's why the sun sign is so important and it's what we use when we are asked which sign we are natives of. When you were born, the Sun was transiting a constellation in the sky, depending on the date and time of your birth. If the Sun was transiting through the constellation of Aquarius at the time you came into the world, this is the sign that will most strongly influence your personality.

Aquarius Symbols

The symbol of the sign of Aquarius is a water bearer pouring water, an image that refers to the transmission of ideas, knowledge and feelings, an essential part of the inspiring and intuitive personality of Aquarians. In addition, the astrological symbol of Aquarius is represented by two ripples of water, which represent intuition and the characteristics of flexibility, adaptation and continuous movement so linked to the personality of Aquarians.

Aquarius zodiac traits
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Aquarius zodiac sign in love

Aquarians have a great sexual appetite, so for them, any situation is a good time to have sex. They don't really care how they feel about the person or where the sex is going to be. The important thing is to do. Despite being known as a "cold heart", the Aquarius is nothing like that, he just values ​​his own company and his freedom a lot, so he only gives them up when he meets someone for whom he feels it's really worth changing the course of life. In a relationship, however, you are very passionate, your libido is even higher, and you are always doing everything you can to please your partner and show how much you love.

aquarius personality

Freedom is the surname of Aquarians, because they run away from any situation or person that can limit their wants and desires, which is why they often run from relationships. In addition, they are quite independent, so, although they like their friends, they don't feel much need to be close to them or their family. They have a lot of difficulties with rules and laws, because they hate feeling like they are being limited or forbidden to do something. They want to feel that they are living on the edge and that they are not denying themselves anything they want.

Aquarius zodiac traits

Aquarians are very progressive people, who update their convictions and opinions throughout life, as they mature, so they hate traditions and conservatism, which are enemies of their need to be free and to freely exercise their rights. They are confident and enjoy relating to people like that, but they are also quite stubborn and will put their foot down to the end to make sure they are heard and want their words to be taken into account. Intellectual affinity is very important when approaching someone.

Aquarius zodiac traits
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Aquarius and the other signs

β€” Aries: Aries and Aquarius are temperamental and lose their temper by little, so it can be a relationship that will always be on a tightrope and by a thread.

β€” Taurus: Taurus is jealous and possessive, the opposite of what Aquarius loves, as they value their freedom and independence, so it can be a very conflicting relationship.

β€” Gemini: communicative and lovers of intellectual attraction, this is a great combination, because it makes for very fascinating and interesting dialogues and exchanges of ideas.

β€” Cancer: Cancerians need constant affection and security and stability in a relationship, as opposed to Aquarians' need to be free.

β€” Leo: Leo's excess ego can end up irritating the Aquarius, who doesn't have much patience to be praising and caressing someone's ego all the time.

β€” Virgo: Extremely perfectionist and very methodical, the Virgo cannot understand the fluidity of the Aquarian, who may consider the native of Virgo too realistic or pessimistic.

Aquarius zodiac traits
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β€” Libra: light combination, of people who love a mental and intellectual connection, so a lot of harmony and even romance can spontaneously arise.

β€” Scorpio: naturally somewhat manipulative and controlling, the Scorpio will want to control the Aquarius in an inordinate way, forbidding him and limiting his freedom.

β€” Sagittarius: Sagittarius and Aquarians are very progressive and very optimistic, in addition to valuing the intellectual side a lot when approaching someone.

β€” Capricorn: Capricorn loves a comfort zone and the sense of security it brings, which conflicts with Aquarius' freedom and fluidity.

β€” Aquarius: freedom, lightness and fun can be on the horizon for two Aquarians who end up involved. The downside is that, because the conversation flows so well, the sexual side can end up being sidelined…

β€” Pisces: while Aquarius is intellectual and more rational, Pisces is 100% emotional and intuitive, which can make them intellectually incompatible.

Aquarius Astral Hell

The astral hell of an Aquarius native begins 30 days before their birthday and starts when the Sun is in Capricorn, bringing a time when the Aquarius feels that they become more irritable and more reserved, getting upset easily and, therefore, , upsetting the other too. It is a period when pessimism can end up bothering the Aquarius, who will have more mood swings and will need to put his foot on the brakes and slow down so he doesn't get lost in it all.

Aquarius zodiac traits
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decans of aquarius

1st decan (Jan 21-Jan 01): Aquarius who loves to be different and bold, acting in ways that other people don't understand. He is an intelligent person and, above all, creative, as well as very independent.

2nd decan (Jan 31 - Feb 01): Aquarius native is quite intelligent, agitated and anxious, so he is always looking for new things, communicating with new people and making decisions in his life.

3rd decan (10/02 to 19/02): Very kind, sociable and charismatic, perfectionist and intense in everything he does. He expresses his feelings very well, but he hates feeling controlled by something or someone.

  • Know the meaning of the zodiac signs
  • Discover the myth associated with the sign of Aquarius and be surprised
  • Study the influence of the Moon in Aquarius on someone's personality
  • Reflect on the rules that society sets

These are the main characteristics of the sign of Aquarius. If this is your sun sign, however, you need, first of all, to make a complete birth chart if you want to deeply understand your personality, because the other stars and planets also influence you in very specific ways that interact with each other.

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