How are you feeling?

How are you feeling? Happy, hopeful, at peace? Or stressed, unmotivated, afraid? Observe the emotional state that has predominated in you the most in the last few days or months. Who knows, even in the last few years.

That's right, it's not that you always have to be cheerful and happy. Not super balanced and at peace every day. But it is necessary to realize that living in a constant mode of stress, worries, apathy or sadness is not the best way forward.

Yes, when sad situations happen, it is natural to be sad. When pressures occur, it is natural to feel stressed. The point is that we often get into the rhythm of life where it becomes normal and we accept it as if there is no other way to live. Just not.

How are you feeling?
Lucas Pezeta/Pexels

Everything, absolutely everything, depends on our perception. The same fact can be seen as a crisis for one person and an opportunity for another. It is imperative that we observe our emotions and thoughts, and seek solutions to our challenges.

Understand, happiness will not come the day you achieve something. It may even show up on this day, but if you are living in constant stress mode, for example, happiness may soon escape you as the rush returns to your door.

It is necessary to change our way of perceiving life so that everything is transformed out there. Otherwise, things repeat themselves, patterns remain the same, and only time and characters change.

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It is necessary to get out of this cycle and understand that happiness is already in you; that harmony is already in you; that peace is already in you. And because of that, only you can access them, only you can feel them, and only you can live your life in an extraordinary way. Change your perception to start feeling better, and then you will be able to make more positive changes in your life, I'm sure of it!

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