What is the relationship between selfishness and color blindness?

What is the relationship between selfishness and color blindness?

Color blindness is a visual impairment where the wearer does not recognize or differentiate specific colors. Color blindness is also known as “color blindness”. There are three main types of color blindness. Are they:

  • Protanopia: It is the most common of all. It consists of the reduction or total absence of shades of red. In place of this color, the individual can see shades of brown, green or gray but, in general, it varies according to the amount of pigments that the object or landscape has. In Protanopia, green tends to look like red.
  • Deuteranopia: The individual with this type of color blindness does not see shades of green. In place of this color, the wearer sees various shades of brown depending on the pigmentation of the green existing in the object. Therefore, when he sees a tree, he sees branches and leaves in the same color, and there may only be differences in shade in brown.
  • Tritanopia: This is the rarest type of color blindness. It interferes with the recognition of blue and yellow colors. A person with this disability does not fail to see blue completely, he just sees it in different shades and the yellow turns to light pink. People with Tritanopia are unable to see the color orange.

Cristina Cairo says that color blindness often originates in people who are selfish and impartial with the world around them. Follow:

Color blindness according to Cristina Cairo:

It is characteristic of people who have a selfish and capricious mind. It is the mind that cannot impartially welcome “all colors”, which cannot impartially welcome all people and all things.

Color blindness represents the manifestation of the rebellious mind that does not accept the advice of elders or authorities and indicates a person who gets irritated by futile things and starts to get involved with family members, friends, etc.

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Try to harmonize with everything and everyone and be a docile and kind person with everyone. This will make the baseless rebelliousness disappear from your mind and the color blindness will disappear entirely. Everything that happens to our body is a manifestation of our mental behavior, so positively work your habits and thoughts and you will see how wonderful the true colors of life are. Erase this negative illusion and become more grateful for life, without holding on to the bad aspects that are certainly fleeting. Everything is fleeting! Relax!

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