Body Language Localized Fat

By body language, localized fat represents issues that have not been finished, things that are unresolved, feelings that have been put under the rug and fat is there to remind you that that issue needs to be resolved. Each part of the body will represent a department of life. Fat in the upper part of the belly represents that you are not living life as you would like. In the lower part of the belly, below the navel, it represents your sexual pleasures. On the sides of the thigh, the famous culote, represents hurt against Dad, for having had an absent father located fat somehow; it could be for various reasons, he could have been too authoritarian or too nice, an alcoholic or died early.

Body Language Localized Fat

The child keeps that in the unconscious, becoming an adult with culottes. In the lower part of the thigh, the hurt is against the mother. Her arm represents work. The glutes represent a bossy or bossy person. Anyway each body part will represent a subject of a department. You can notice, there are thin people and with that localized fat that never comes out.

The person goes to the gym, goes on a diet and the fat is still thereโ€ฆ Do you know when it will come out? When the person solves that issue that they often don't even remember anymore or didn't even realize it was important when it happened.

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Our unconscious is very wise, it records all the information and at some point we will need to solve the pending issues, either through some type of therapy, through meditation, or through self-knowledge. While that doesn't happen, the fat stays there to remind you. And it's no use resorting to massages, liposuction, drainage. In three months, she's back in the same place to remind you that there's something in that department to sort out.

Did you like the subject? Want to know more? I'm Erica Ohno, follow me on instagram @pontodeluz. We are a group of integrative therapists, each with a different type of therapy. Our mission is to bring knowledge to the greatest number of people who identify with integrative therapies.

Text written by Erica Ohno, integrative therapist. To schedule in-person or online sessions, contact: (11) 96974-1810.

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