Your emotions revealed by the colors

Everyone has a preference for some color, right? Whether it's time to choose a blouse or simply paint your nails, for example. What a lot of people don't know is that having a favorite color, in Chinese medicine, says a lot about someone's personality.

Cristina Cairo in her book states: “We are wonderful beings: colorful, energetic and mathematical”. Follow the text below and understand this explosion of colors in you!

Your emotions revealed by colors by Cristina Cairo

We are wonderful beings: colorful, energetic and mathematical. We are part of a whole and we have the same particles as any element in the Universe, which makes us powerful and, at the same time, loving.

We live mirroring our soul in each other through behavior, through the colors we use in our clothes and in our homes, through the complementary characteristics of the signs. Although many do not have this information, we are still unconsciously induced to self-knowledge by the simple analysis of our document numbers, our car plates, our house number, our bank account number, etc.

On this earth, we were left with all information about ourselves, but what should have been our instruction manual ended up turning into a game manipulated by some mystics and religious, who never sought to scientifically prove such phenomena.

Your emotions revealed by the colors
StockSnap–894430 / Pixabay / Canva

However, everything will be clarified, sooner or later, because doctors, psychologists and other researchers continue the work of rescuing millenary evidence and new discoveries. In fact, we can say that today's discoveries prove what astronomers, astrologers, mathematicians and philosophers of antiquity and even avatars said. Scrolls found by archaeologists in different regions of this planet are being deciphered and accepted by modern science. Acupuncture, chromotherapy and several other millennial treatments considered alternative have been applied for several decades in the cure of various ailments.

Recall that acupuncture, for example, has existed for about five thousand years in China and perhaps its use dates back to even more remote periods in the East, but it was only made official in España in 1994.

As for the symbology of colors, we know that it is associated with brain stimuli that act on the individual's emotional state.

Colors are just a vehicle for the unconscious to communicate with the outside world. It is known that human visual perception is directly related to light, without which our eyes would not be able to capture the reflections that give rise to colors in brain perception. The process is similar to the rainbow phenomenon, which is projected by the scattering of sunlight onto water droplets that are suspended in the atmosphere after a rain.

You can learn more about ocular color perception in Clara Regina Rappaport's Psychology of Perception, where the author explains that our ocular physiology is limited and that there are other colors in this dimension that we cannot capture. The ones we can are part of our psychological sphere.

Your emotions revealed by the colors
Edgar Colomba / Pexels / Canva

Through the colors that attract us we can detect a little of our true desires, emotions, secrets and character. The identification we have with certain colors comes from the very symbolism of nature, which our subconscious associates with feelings.

Despite being just reflections of light, colors have the ability to influence the mind and behavior of individuals, and, as we are all members of Nature, we unconsciously know their latent power and the functions of the planet's elements:

  • The earth, with its brown hue;
  • The green of the woods;
  • The blue of the sky;
  • The red (or orange) of fire;
  • The yellow of the Sun;
  • The dark (or blackness) of the night;
  • The silver (or white) of the Moon;
  • The sunset with variations between the colors red, yellow, violet, orange, green and blue;
  • The gray hue of cloudy weather and other variations depending on electrical discharges and the scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere.
  • Healing through colors: discover chromotherapy
  • Each color has a psychological meaning. Discover them all here!
  • Learn to Attract Better Energies with Feng Shui Colors
  • Learn about colors in your food

Look at the colors of the clothes you are wearing right now and get to know a little more about your emotions. It is important to know what are the true feelings that hide behind our personality, because we do not always realize what we carry in our hearts.

The more we know about ourselves, the more we will avoid misfortunes, because we will know how to react against our negative attitudes driven by the conditioned unconscious.

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