Low back pain: what can it be and how to relieve it?

Much of the population suffers from low back pain, and the causes are several - poor posture, genetics, age, or other physical factors that end up causing discomfort and problems in the spine. We know that there are pains that almost incapacitate us, causing us to resort to self-medication, completely neglecting our health. Who never slept badly and woke up with back pain, cast the first stone!

Of course, when we feel any kind of pain, it is recommended that we seek medical help. But did you know that many physical issues can result from psychological factors? When we don't take care of our mind and self as we should, our body "talks" louder, and psychosomatic diseases arise. They originate from emotional problems or imbalances, and are not directly related to diagnosable pathologies.

According to Cristina Cairo, psychologist and physical educator, low back pain can be a consequence of certain mental problems or an indication that something in our emotional health is wrong. Keep reading and delve deeper into the subject!

Low back pain and body language

You must have heard that famous saying somewhere: “When the mouth is silent, the body speaks”. And this is a great truth! Our organism can alert us that our feelings are in disarray. We often live in situations that cause us negative emotions and, instead of externalizing them, we end up internalizing them and damaging our emotional health. You know those people who constantly feel pain, go to the doctor, but never discover any disease? It is very likely that they are suffering from the emotional discharges that have taken a toll on their physical body.

Low back pain: what can it be and how to relieve it?
Aleksandrdavydovphotos / Canva

But with that, you can ask yourself: "How am I going to understand or diagnose what I have, if my pain can't be detailed by a doctor?". And we will answer this question, which tends to be part of the minds of many people looking for answers: based on her studies, Cristina Cairo published in 1999 a book called “Language of the Body”, in which she tells us about this subject of simple, direct and clear way!

In the book, Cristina says that the pain that affects the lower back is triggered by emotional and psychological issues, which result in muscle contractures, tension and other problems that rarely end with the intake of medication. She also points out that the back area is the one that suffers the most from mental, emotional and psychological imbalances.

Paying a little more attention to issues related to the mind-body relationship, our emotions and feelings can cause pain and discomfort in muscles, bones, joints... and the curious thing about this fact is that problems caused by stress or anxiety can alter structures that, at few, give rise to significant alterations capable of impairing an individual's quality of life.

How do emotional issues cause lower back pain?

Many people don't believe it, but emotional health reflects a lot on the lumbar vertebrae. Our spine is not just a structure that supports our physique, it also supports our emotions! This part of the human body is seen as a pillar. After all, it protects and covers the nervous system. And from that, it is easy to understand how our sentimental life is, in a way, “unloaded” in the structure that keeps us standing, firm or not to move forward.

Low back pain: what can it be and how to relieve it?
Syda Production / Canva

When we feel any kind of physical pain, we turn to medication. But, as already mentioned here, the pain caused by our psychological is not cured with medicine. Quite the contrary: as much as a remedy provides us with momentary relief, the real focus of the problem is not a pathological disease, but emotional issues. In this way, the symptom that our mind is not well is automatically muffled, which can feed our imbalance.

For Cristina Cairo, people who suffer from low back pain live amidst contradictions in their sentimental life and behave as if they are in need of love – but, at the same time, they deprive themselves of living in love relationships, because they do not want to open hand of individuality. All the indecision that hangs over this confusion ends up starting imbalances that "weight" in the spine region. It's like another weight that an individual decides to carry because they don't want to choose to work or solve their own personal issues.

By another interpretation, problems with money, anxiety about a professional career, tensions related to sexual pleasure and the uncertainties of love bonds make a person lose their flexibility of being, thus causing pain and discomfort in the lower back. In some cases, the inflexibility of the spine can be explained by the inflexibility of the emotional life. You know those people who never give the arm to twist in their relationships and complicate more than solve a situation? These are usually the ones who suffer the most from pain in this region.

Mental disorders and low back pain

A psychosomatic illness is characterized by a psychological condition that results in a worsening of a person's physical health. Then the feelings she has been cultivating become so negative that they reflect on her whole body, not just her mental health. And that could be the case with lower back pain.

Low back pain: what can it be and how to relieve it?
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According to neurosurgeon Adriano Scaff, “low back pain is related to the brain and the sensitivity of our central nervous system”. As the emotions we feel are also formed in the brain, it is possible that they are interfering with the proper maintenance of this system.

In addition, neurosurgeon Ronaldo Tonaco says that people who cannot relax – such as those who suffer from depression or anxiety – may experience more low back pain than others. This is because the tension in the body increases the consumption of oxygen by the muscles, resulting in the accumulation of lactic acid, which causes pain.

That is, a person who lives with mental disorders, who is always worried, scared or sad, can develop low back pain. Although this is a psychosomatic form of the disease, it should also receive adequate attention and treatment, with psychological and/or psychiatric follow-up.

How to treat and avoid lower back pain caused by emotions?

The first step in treating illnesses caused by psychological problems is to seek professional help – in this case, a psychologist. There are those who think that therapy is nonsense, there are those who are ashamed to admit that they need this help, but taking care of and cherishing the health of your mind will never be shameful!

To end the lower back pain that is a consequence of your emotions, go to therapy! Come face to face with issues in your life that need resolution. Facing what hurts you will make you overcome your obstacles and remove all the weight that is currently on your back. Stop trying to associate your discomfort with other people. Own your flaws, deal with them and set yourself free! No one needs to carry a world on their back, we are all human and we suffer from what happens around us.

Low back pain: what can it be and how to relieve it?
PORNCHAI SODA / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Take care of your mind more, take time for yourself and reflect on your psychological health! If your lower back pain is constant, analyze what needs to be resolved in your emotions. Remember that little thing that sometimes makes you lose sleep and solve it! Open up to your psychologist and look more at who you are.

Home remedies for back pain

First and foremost, you need to find out what is causing your lower back pain. If they are emotional, pay attention to three tips to take care of such discomforts at home.

  • hot compress

Heat is a temperature that is very good for the back muscles. Make a warm compress and place it on the lower back that is hurting. Let it act for approximately 15 minutes. If the compress gets cold, change it.

  • massage with lemon balm

Soak 150 g of lemon balm leaves in a liter of 46% alcohol. Use a container with a lid, as the mixture must remain closed. Leave to infuse for 8 days, strain and dilute the liquid in 1/4 of water. Apply to the back and massage the area of ​​pain until the skin feels warm.

  • do light exercises
Low back pain: what can it be and how to relieve it?
ERDAL ISLAND / Getty Images / Canva

The practice of exercises promotes muscle strengthening and reduces, over the days, lower back pain. Opt for short walks or a light bike ride.

Reiki and Back Pain

Did you know that Reiki can be applied to people with back pain and that it promotes a significant improvement in this annoyance? The energy of this practice promotes the body's release of substances such as endorphin and enkephalin, which act as natural painkillers and anti-inflammatories, as they provide positive sensations, such as well-being, pleasure and relaxation. Thus, the muscles relax and the pain decreases – the Reiki energies break the existing blockages in the body, causing the blood to flow freely.

In addition to this physical part, Reiki helps to treat emotional illnesses, which are the focus of pain here. It exchanges negative energies for positive ones and helps a person to balance himself again, through vibrations and his energetic charge.

Yoga for lower back pain

Yoga is the name of an ancient practice that aims to balance the body and mind. For this, breathing and meditation exercises and different postures with the body are performed. In this way, it is possible to relieve tension in the muscles and provide a lasting feeling of well-being. Even the technique can relieve lower back pain. Discover the most suitable postures for this!

1) Variation of Bhujangasana (Snake Pose)

This pose is beneficial for the lower back because it tones the deep muscles in the region, which are responsible for supporting the body's weight. With more strength in this area, the posture of those who practice this exercise tends to improve, which causes relief from low back pain.

2) Setubhandhasana (Half Bridge Pose)

In this case, the inverted position in which the body is in is responsible for improving blood circulation throughout the body. In addition, it is possible to relieve the tension accumulated in the muscles, causing pain relief in the lower back.

3) Variation of Paschimottanasana (Pinch Pose)

By stretching the posterior chain of the back and legs, this pose provides a feeling of relaxation and relief for these muscles. This means that it is effective for those who are experiencing lower back pain, which sometimes reaches the legs.

4) Chakrasana Variation (Wheel Pose)

The main effect of this pose is to stretch the rib musculature. Through this exercise, breathing is facilitated, becoming deeper. As a result of this process, it is possible to relax the muscles more intensively, reducing tension in the lower back.

5) Parivrtta Sukhasana (Sitting Twist Pose)

Combining two important benefits for the relief of low back pain, this exercise is able to relieve the muscles of the spine and improve the posture of those who perform it frequently. Thus, it is possible for lower back pain to be reduced.

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Now you know that, in addition to physical factors, your emotions can also be the cause of low back pain. Focus a little more on the confusions that you have been ignoring in your being and solve everything that is pending. As Cristina Cairo says, it is essential to analyze what causes all this imbalance, so that your mind does not unload your feelings in your lower back. If the pain persists, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

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