The psychological meaning of illness

Did you know that our mind is the gateway to our physical well-being? When we feel sad, insecure, stressed or anxious, we can develop negative physical symptoms, whereas the opposite happens when we feel happy, fulfilled, passionate or proud. There is psychological significance to the illnesses we often overlook.

According to Body Language, a psychology that analyzes the relationship between body and mind, the problems we have during life materialize in physical health, causing different discomforts.

According to this theory, which classifies diseases as “psychosomatic”, feelings, thoughts and traumas find an outlet in the physical body, causing pain, tumors, irritation, inflammation and, in some cases, infections. Therefore, the psychological meaning of illness always varies from person to person.

The psychological meaning of illness
Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

Perhaps you have already realized this when you had a stomachache when preparing for an important moment, when you had a headache after a stressful situation, among others.

Since ancient times, in places like Egypt, China and Greece, scholars have analyzed the effect that our unconscious mind can have on our bodies. A person who had body aches, for example, could be treated by repeating positive words and phrases that, because they were understood to be magical, rescued well-being.

All this ancestral knowledge has continued to be investigated over time, and currently, the psychological significance of diseases has been updated to a field of study called neurolinguistic programming” – or NLP.

In the 1970s, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, in the United States of America, developed NLP with the aim of analyzing the relationship between neurological processes and language. In other words, they observed how the words we say can harm or benefit us.

According to the creators of NLP, it is possible to treat different ailments with this method, from depression to myopia. Cristina Cairo, a graduate in Physical Education and Psychology, is one of the people who defends this theory. She is the author of the book trilogy “Linguagem do Corpo”, in which she exposes her studies in this area.

In one of the treatments that Cairo promotes through NLP, for example, a person who has a tumor in some region of the body must analyze their own life history and understand what led them to develop this disease.

Only when she verbalizes the traumas or negative feelings that culminated in the tumor will these problems have a new outlet in the body, no longer manifesting as a physical illness.

To understand in depth how Cristina Cairo interprets body language and the relationship between body and mind, check out the box below, which presents the psychological meaning of diseases!

The Psychological Meaning of Illnesses by Cristina Cairo

“After completing my first book, Body Language, I continued to search for more scientific studies so that my mind could reach greater understanding and improve myself in self-healing techniques, thus being able to teach them to other people.

I found many ways to pass on what I know to you, however I came to the conclusion that the more I went into my studies, the more I understood that objectivity and simplicity of thought are what really represent the gateway to health. .

As long as the human mind does not understand that we are a cosmic unit, a projection of a single cosmic center and that only free will separates us into different bodies, there will be no way to show that only the harmony of thought and heart can, actually make the projection of the disease disappear.

Illness is just a way of communicating our frustrated desires. Only when there is a willingness to accept that we are responsible for everything that happens to us and we learn to let go of the needs of possession, letting life flow naturally, without forcing situations or resisting problems, then, yes, conscience will realize that I was thinking small. in some sectors of life and causing organic maladjustments.

By letting go of a problem and seeing it without anxiety, fear, remorse or any other emotion, it transforms and so does your life. The resistance to letting go of something that afflicts you lies in the fact of blindly believing that only that or that person can make you happy.

Recognize, then, that you will only become unhappy if you insist on carrying in your life the ghost of the fear of losing. When you let go and lose, you will see that you stubbornly insisted on holding on to what could not be part of your life, let alone your happiness.

But if you let go and don't lose, you'll learn what I'm trying to teach you about letting go and about true happiness.

Quantum physics proves that thought directly interferes with the trajectory of our destiny, because thoughts are vibrations that move instantly, without depending on time or space. In other words, it assumes forms, makes dreams come true, transforms environments, manufactures diseases and generates in the body what we want or not, consciously or unconsciously. In the Kojiki, the book of Japanese mythology, it is written that the deity Shiotsuchi or Sumiyoshi made a “boat without space and without time” and in it he took Prince Ho-hodemi to the Ryugu palace at the bottom of the sea, where there is an infinite treasure, he says. Masaharu Taniguchi in The Truth of Life. The archaic beliefs that were bequeathed to us about ourselves have become a great illusory wall that does not allow us to see that we are free and powerful and that with the simple fact of thinking, good or evil is accomplished in our lives. Hence it can be understood that to believe in fatality is, in fact, a lack of knowledge of physical laws and the laws of the Universe. What we believe, think or fear becomes reality: it is the law of attraction of similar people.

To cure yourself of a disease, you can resort to various traditional methods, whether religious, holistic, alternative, or even through autosuggestion, but you will never cure yourself of the act of creating diseases as long as you believe that they have a life of their own and that, at any moment, a new one may appear to overthrow it.

Understanding that the disease is a reflection of your behavior, words, thoughts and feelings will already be a big step for your evolution, but learning to mature love, detachment and exercise thoughts, creating events of harmony, ignoring the appearances of current problems (which are reflections of behavior), then you will be on the path to salvation and free from your own ignorance that caused you so much pain.

Remember Christ's words: "Be it to thee as thou hast believed." After all, when are you going to apply what the master taught you instead of standing there, waiting for Him to come back to touch your head and heal you?

Get moving and use your thinking to move your life.

Ask God to teach you to love and forgive, for the more you beg God to fulfill your desires, heal your illnesses, change other people's minds, etc., the more frustrated and disbelieving you will become.

Stop trying to control people and events and correct yourself and not others. The power of silence, joy and detached love heal more than cries, promises and screams.

God and spirit entities sure know what you need before you even ask, don't they? Calm down your heart. Accept and believe that going through everything - whether good or bad - increases your inner growth and soul maturation.

Stop being so rational and understand that happiness does not depend on anything and anyone to exist, since it already exists in its essence, and it will not be felt as long as there is disharmony and fears due to attachment to things and people. Look around you, with the eyes of the soul, and you will feel ashamed that you are fighting so much for things that do not represent true happiness. Drop whatever! Give yourself a chance to reach a higher level of awareness to try other flavors that, of course, those who carry problems don't know about.

I advise you to read the book Space, Time and Beyond, by Bob Toben and Fred Alan Wolf. The authors are physicists who explain, through quantum physics, how things and events in our lives occur, created by ourselves, and how the reality we live in, which seems so concrete, can be transformed with consciousness.

Daniel G. Amen, clinical neurologist and psychiatrist, states in the book Transform Your Brain, Transform Your Life: Most people don't understand how important thoughts are and leave it to the gods to develop thought patterns. Did you know that your thoughts send electrical signals through your entire brain? Thoughts have real physical properties: they are real and have a significant influence on every cell in your body!

The truth is that today's scientists name their discoveries about the power of thought. However, these “discoveries” were already, thousands of years ago, known and fully mastered, with wisdom, by avatars, gurus, philosophers and other researchers of the human mind.

What matters is that this matter, very soon, after being duly proven by medical science, is announced and clarified in schools, hospitals and the media, so that man can resort to this knowledge in the search for his cures.

Such statements seem exaggerated, don't they?

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Well then, dear reader, allow me to make the following statement: what would be more exaggerated, for a person suffering from cancer to keep his entire family in a climate of terror for not knowing the true psychological cause of his illness, or have practical and theoretical classes on new mental patterns, which would generate feelings that would lead to healing? We must help these people to understand that the inversion of values ​​is a belief. And every belief is attachment and there is no expansion of knowledge, that is, it is believed that, when getting sick or suffering injuries in the body through accidents, certain negative emotions are generated, such as anger, hurt, discouragement, sadness, hypersensitivity, when in reality the exact opposite happens.

It happens that the person, due to his pride or fear, was already feeding certain negative emotions, which projected into his body what already existed in his feelings.

In a figurative sense, we would say that it enters a kind of looping of emotion-disease-emotion, where the real origin of everything is confused in consciousness”.

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