Body Language: Where does Stye come from?

Famous in the popular imagination, the stye has always been associated with some belief or invention, especially in childhood, when it was believed that when we deny food to a pregnant woman, a ball in the corner of the eye would appear as a kind of punishment. The theme still yields myths and fanciful legends, and continues to generate frequent doubts among people.

Jokes aside, the small discomfort, which at first arouses astonishment and distress, is actually much more common than one might imagine, and arises without the need for fear and apprehension, given its magnitude. However, it is worth understanding about the origin of this true enigma, which intrigues, to this day, many curious people.

What are the emotional causes of stye?

Although there is no consensus on this, many doctors consider styes a "warning" that the body gives that it is necessary to reduce levels of anxiety and stress. It's as if our immune system is warning us about more serious problems that can affect us if we don't take care of our mental health.

The eyes are quite susceptible to anxiety and stress. Symptoms such as eyelid tremors and even a burning sensation in the eyes at times of a lot of psychological and emotional pressure are common in people who go through stressful situations, so it makes sense for the sty to also have this origin.

The stye, according to Body Language

There is a technique, called Body Language, that links all the physical ailments that befall us to problems related to our emotions. According to Cristina Cairo, the main advocate of this technique, the stye may have its origin in our insistence on carrying out situations that we would no longer want to live.

She suggests that to prevent this from happening, we need to respect the way we are feeling, preventing us from doing the exact opposite of what we want and think.

What are the spiritual causes of styes?

Just as physical and emotional reasons can cause styes, spiritual imbalances can also cause this little problem. According to Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, the eyes connect to the liver, which is the organ that “stores” anger and resentment.

According to this alternative medicine, therefore, the stye may be related to hurts that we are carrying with us without the slightest need. It would prevent the emergence of new injuries if we worked on forgiveness to leave this grudge.

Body Language: Where does Stye come from?
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There are other possible spiritual meanings for the stye, which vary according to the eye in which the lesion appeared. Check out:

• Stye in the right eye: indicates stress caused directly by another person, who is not respecting your space and your decisions. In addition, it may be related to situations that you have been trying to control, but over which you are unable to exert control.

• Stye in the left eye: the stye in the right eye is very much related to illusions, especially situations that we are refusing to see or that we pretend are not happening. It is important to “open your eyes” and look around to avoid disappointment, which is the consequence of illusion.

• Stye in both eyes: In addition to reinforcing left eye and right eye causes, it can indicate annoyance at being forced to do something or act in a way that is not ideal or your true desire. Realize what this situation is and if there is anything you can do to avoid or solve it.

All these causes can be responsible for this problem, but there is still the possibility of some influence of external negative energies, that is, some evil or bad intention coming from someone. In this case, it is helpful to seek spiritual help or even take a bath or herbal compress.

Just boil a liter of water and add a tablespoon of chamomile and a handful of rosemary. In addition to spiritual cleansing, both herbs have antibacterial action.

If you make the compress, don't forget to wait for the water to warm up a lot, as the skin of the eyelids is quite sensitive.

If you choose to shower, take your shower normally and, when you're done, pour the mixture over your head, letting it run down your face and body. In the end, just rinse with water.

Stye by Cristina Cairo

Cristina Cairo, author of the book Language of the body, associates the origin of the stye with the state of anger and also with the annoyance of insisting on doing something that in fact we would not like to do any more. The teacher and writer suggests that we avoid this kind of feeling and attitude by respecting the way each one thinks and chooses to be happy, in addition to changing direction whenever necessary.

What causes eye styes?

Body Language: Where does Stye come from?
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A stye is caused by inflammation of the Zeiss and Mol glands, which are located on the outside of the eyelids. It occurs due to an infection motivated by bacteria, known as Staphylococcus. However, other factors such as excess oil and the malfunction of the sebaceous glands (they are around the eyelashes) can also contribute to their appearance.

What are the symptoms of stye?

The signs of stye manifestation are announced with a little pain, due to the sensitivity of the eye region. The signs are presented through swelling in the eyelid, tearing, redness, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and, in some cases, it is possible to notice the presence of pus, usually characterized by a yellow tip in the corner of the eye.

How to cure stye?

As it has a low estimate of life, in an optimistic scenario, the stye can last from seven to fifteen days, varying from person to person. There is no specific treatment for a stye, as it usually heals on its own. However, some measures such as warm water compresses and the use of eye drops indicated for the problem help to relieve symptoms.

What is the inner stye?

The internal hordeolum, as it is clinically called, appears less frequently and has characteristics and traits quite similar to the external stye. Also caused by Staphylococcus, contamination at the site attacks the Meibomian glands, which are deeper in the eyelids. It is considered, for the most part, painful, and its appearance resembles that of a pimple.

Prevention tips

Body Language: Where does Stye come from?
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Although there is no risk of contagion, some actions can help prevent its appearance, such as: removing makeup regularly before going to bed, washing your hands regularly, especially before putting on contact lenses. These are the proper procedures that will help to combat the transmission of viruses and bacteria, not just those responsible for styes.

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Although not harmful, self-medication should be ruled out, especially if the inflammation lasts too long or spreads to other areas of the eyes. Visiting an ophthalmologist in these cases is more than recommended.

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