The Existence of Purpose

    The purpose of life exists to be fulfilled. Every life purpose is a blessing in every person's life. There is no other way to experience the spectacle of life. It is only with purposes that the human being can be happy, because happiness and evolution are completely intertwined with the purposes of life. Living with purpose means accomplishing what you came to do on Planet Earth. Life is all we have to build and create the best ways to experience. We are the authors of our destiny and we are writing this story right now. Nothing better than writing it with grandeur, love and energy.

    Love is the source of the birth of life. Every being is a source of Divine Love, so it is for love to be the source of life for every person. When we are filled with love, everything is fine and happens in the best way, because it is the gift that provides us with complete well-being.

    To understand this love is to enrich yourself with good energies to experience the great purpose. We are beings destined for these accomplishments. It is for the good that we are on Planet Earth and that is how we will build our greater good with the decision to assume our lives, in the completeness in which they exist, fulfilling the earthly mission. Everything is not written down, because we are the ones who will make this writing of life. It cannot be done by someone else. Only you have the power to write your story.

    Purpose is the foundation for the present and the future. Purpose keeps us in connection with the Divine in our lives. We are so blessed to be trusted to fulfill a mission on Earth, and it won't just be a mission, it will be unique and made especially for us. Each person has a profound life to experience. There is no reason to live in sadness or complaints, and pessimism or frustrations. If you fall, get up, because there is much more to life in you. There is an energy activated in your being that reminds you that you are a special being.

    The Existence of Purpose
    Fabien WI / Unsplash / Canva / Me Without Borders

    You received life. Life chose you to live the great purpose that was destined for your self. Life is simply spectacular for connecting you to your mission. Energetically, your energy is already connected to your mission. Just try to experience it in the depth of your being, because in this way you will know that living is the great value and you are the greatest good that Planet Earth needs. Your mission is unique and exclusive to you. Your mission is as big as your full potential. Your mission is a blessing to you, just as you are a blessing to your mission.

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    Be strong and stay aligned with your purposes. All the best you have will help another life, so dedicate yourself to fulfilling what you have in your gifts. You have the potential to live wonderfully well. Be you throughout your journey. Be you in all your mission.

    Love & Light!


    Fraternal hug,

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