What can a runny nose mean emotionally?

This is the correct name for the popularly known “runny nose”. The fluid expelled through the nose has a transparent color, when it comes to allergic processes, or green and yellow when it is caused by some viral or bacterial infection. In these cases, the phlegm is created by the body itself in order to expel viruses and bacteria from the body.

To cure coryza it is necessary to take care of its causative agent. Usually runny nose is caused by rhinitis attacks. Therefore, the problem should be treated with antiallergic, corticosteroids or antibiotics. Thus, the coryza tends to disappear consequently.

Cristina Cairo states in her book that coryza can appear in very sensitive people who constantly need approval.

What can a runny nose mean emotionally?
AndreaPiacquadio / Pexels

Coryza according to Cristina Cairo:

It is catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. It occurs in extremely sensitive people, who think that you can only get what you want if someone allows it. You, who have a runny nose, grow up and stop feeling like a crying child and go to fight. With tears you go nowhere.

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Be willing to create your own things and feel pleasure in and with them. Actively participate and accept yourself with love and wisdom. Know how to mature with joy and dynamism, without losing your youth. Get out of the habit of feeling like a victim and see that you have the ability and arguments to act differently when you feel cornered.

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