Body Language: The reason behind myopia

Body Language: The reason behind myopia

Myopia is the patient's difficulty in seeing people and objects further away. While closer objects are seen clearly, more distant objects are seen as a blur.

The problem is due to refractive errors that affect distance vision. The visual image is not focused directly on the retina, but is reflected in front of it.

The difficulty can be common in people who have large eyes or the lens has a short focal length, depending on optical resources to correct the error.

Myopia often develops gradually or rapidly, and tends to worsen during adolescence. According to the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology, the problem affects 40% of the population in the West.

In her book, Cristina Cairo states that in psychoanalysis, myopia can have several nuances, but the carrier can be defined as a person who cannot accept the facts that surround them.

Myopia second Cristina Cairo:

There are several types of myopia, but as a general example I will cite just one.

Many people who suffer from a vision problem only realize that they have this anomaly after going through unpleasant situations: like the girl who flirts with the boy from a certain distance and later discovers that it is her fiancé; or the man who sees a post ahead and only notices the mistake after the headbutt.

Myopia is a defect in refraction of light. The eye focuses better on closer images because the axis of the globe is so long. Beyond a certain distance, you cannot distinguish images with the same sharpness, because the lens's ability to accommodate is limited. Myopic people, when they want to see something further away, try to force the ciliary muscle, in an attempt to reduce the size of the axis. This type of myopia is called axial and results from the difference in the size of the axis.

After that, the psychological analysis is obvious and you must have already noticed that myopic people cannot accept facts and certain events that go beyond the reach of their belief. They usually see “short” on certain issues and never acknowledge that they are radical in their positions.

Discussing an issue with them requires tact and a lot of patience, or else accept their opinions even if you disagree with them.

Short-sighted people, for not getting involved by adverse ideas, focus on what they know how to do and, naturally, understand very well the subject they are dedicated to.

If you have a myopia problem, start noticing your behavior in front of a group of friends and honestly analyze their attitudes and opinions. The fact that they seem to be against you doesn't mean they are wrong. They may be trying to make you see what you're not seeing. Try to be more flexible of heart, even if it seems absurd. Let time show you how much you can learn from life and from other people's experiences, provided, of course, you relax and accept new events. Want to see life in all its extension and know that revolt only harms your health and… does not change the world. Love yourself and live all the images that are offered to you with affection and sincerity! Go back to “seeing”, it is worth learning from everything and everyone, because when we are stripped of pride, our spiritual peace will solve all problems and, for sure, we will discover new and great friends.

Divert from your path the uncertainties, fears and any kind of feeling that keep you away from your goal, because your healthy vision depends on your convictions and determination for the future. Be flexible in any situation that forces you to make decisions. Realize and guard against your short-sighted and self-centered thoughts.

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Myopia manifests itself in self-centered people who don't care about others or don't easily accept other people's opinions. In fact, they are people who have a very narrow view of the world and see only their own particular problems and see only the imperfect aspects of people and things. Myopia is short sighted. Become a more helpful person, both inside and outside your home. Take care of your chores, but also think about being useful to others who need your help. The important thing is to increase your field of "vision" of life, starting to see the problems of the people who have always been by your side but you never noticed. Let go of life and see how you can grow even more and definitively ditch glasses without needing surgery.

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