Body Language: The Cause of Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis, as the name implies, is inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, transparent membrane that lines the front of the eyes and the inside of the eyelids. The problem usually affects both eyes, but in some cases, it can arise in just one of them. Regardless of being acute or chronic, conjunctivitis does not leave sequelae.

Inflammation can arise from several factors: pollution, smoke, chlorine from swimming pools, cleaning products, makeup, etc. One of the most common is the so-called “spring conjunctivitis”, caused by pollens scattered in the air.

There is also conjunctivitis caused by viruses and bacteria. This, in turn, is contagious and can be transmitted by direct contact with contaminated hands, objects and secretions. For the viral type, there is no specific treatment, it tends to disappear by itself performing daily cleanings in the region. Bacterial, on the other hand, includes the indication of antibiotic eye drops, prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Never use medicines or eye drops without a prescription, as they can cause serious complications and worsen the condition.

Body Language: The Cause of Conjunctivitis
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Cristina Cairo states in her book that conjunctivitis originates from frustrations with life or with a specific situation.

Conjunctivitis according to Cristina Cairo:

It means that you are either frustrated with life in general or with a particular fact. Try to resolve these things with peace in your heart and not with this built-in anger. Fight for your ideals in a friendly and patient way, believing that in the right time, you will come true.

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Stop looking at the world with that "tied up" feeling. Understand that in life we ​​only have what we believe we can have and keep. You have the freedom to think and reframe your life, so take advantage of “unpleasant” situations, to realize your own mistakes and correct them.

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