Do you have problems with pimples or boils?

Also known as acnes, pimples are small, usually rounded lesions filled with sebum or pus created by the skin itself.

They are common in adolescence due to the large number of hormones in action, but they can also appear in individuals with oily skin, due to the constant use of moisturizers and poor diet by the patient.

As tempting as it may seem, popping pimples and boils is not recommended. Problems can get worse, evolving into a wound and facilitating the entry of bacteria in addition to darkening the region after healing leaving stains and marks on the skin.

In her book, Cristina Cairo states that pimples and boils reveal “dirt” accumulated in the subconscious of people who can only see the bad things in life.

What are pimples and boils?

Although they are often confused, pimples and boils are distinct lesions on the skin. To learn more about each of them, delve into the characteristics that boils and pimples present!

Do you have problems with pimples or boils?
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Acne, popularly known as "pimple", is an injury caused by increased production of sebum in a person's body from the sebaceous glands. This sebum is like an oil, which clogs the pores and facilitates the proliferation of bacteria, which can generate inflammation in the skin.

For this reason, it is common for a pimple to start as a small bump on your skin, anywhere on your body, and increase over time. You may notice that after a few days, the center of the pimple will turn yellow or white. This is the pus resulting from inflammation and should not be manipulated.

Even if you want to pop every pimple that pops up, don't. The ideal is to identify the cause of this injury with professional help. Some common factors are the intake of oily foods, lack of daily skin hygiene and hormonal changes. With exams and guidance, it is possible to get rid of this annoyance!

Unlike pimples, boils are a skin infection and you can identify it as a red, hard, hot lump. In addition, there is a yellow center that indicates the presence of pus in the region, as in the case of inflamed acne.

Do you have problems with pimples or boils?
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While pimples are just an increase in sebum production, boils are caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, reaching the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and the subcutaneous tissue around it. The more the tissue is affected, the larger the size of the boil.

Despite this, the boil rarely develops into a more serious problem. You shouldn't squeeze it, but you can apply a hot water compress to the affected area to speed up the healing process, which will happen naturally. In some situations, it will be necessary to treat the problem with antibiotics.

So, to prevent boils from developing, remember to maintain good hygiene in your body, wear clothes that make breathing easier and that do not cause friction with the skin, and to strengthen your immunity whenever possible.

Pimples and boils according to Cristina Cairo

They mean believing in the ugly things of life and show that a person has accumulations of “the rot of the world” in his heart. You feel angry with yourself and are always suspicious. Families that educate children trying to show the ugly things in life so that they can learn to take care of themselves, cause pimples and boils, as a manifestation of the “dirt” registered in their subconscious.

On the other hand, an education with the intention of removing all the sorrows of the world, to spare a child from suffering before the time, makes him, as an adult, not know how to bear the problems that will come. This makes her childhood world crumble all at once and she starts to believe in what is "ugly". Seek the essence of life within you: there is the true balance you are looking for. In everything we do, there must be a middle ground so that the two energy poles of the Universe are in harmony.

Do you have problems with pimples or boils?
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What you see ugly is just a reflection of what you believe. So know that if you just let life flow and understand that everything teaches us the way to a good future, your pimples or boils will disappear. Think yourself a beautiful person and love people for who they are, because they, like you, are just looking to be happy. We must help people so that they have good thoughts and believe that beauty comes from the heart and is projected in the body and soul. Be the one who talks about love and who trusts in the renewing power of nature. Don't get attached to events, because everything is fleeting and changes over time. Anyone who rejects problems and is afraid of losing their purity of heart ends up believing in the “dirty” and the “ugly”.

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Life is wonderful, just want to see it. Put into practice your new behavior of peace, love and understanding, be calm with other people, especially with your family and your skin will be as soft as your spirit.

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