What is the cause of red eyes in body language vision?

What is the cause of red eyes in body language vision?

Red eye can happen in just one eye or both. The redness is caused by inflammation of the expanded blood vessels on the surface of the eyes. This inflammation can come from a variety of problems. Among them we can mention infections and irritations such as: conjunctivitis, ulcers, dry eyes, trauma, etc.

Most of the time, inflammation is caused in the membrane called the conjunctiva, which covers the whites of the eyes and which lines the eyelid.

Many of the cases of red eye are the result of great eye strain made by the individual during the day. Another common cause is tiredness and, strangely enough, coughing. This can lead to a uniformly dense, red bloody area. If you notice a spot of blood in part of your eye and it doesn't hurt, don't worry, it clears up on its own in seven to fifteen days. Don't demand too much from your eyes, try to give them the rest they need and avoid long hours in front of the computer. If necessary, consult an ophthalmologist.

Cristina Cairo states in her book that redness in the eyes can be caused by irritation with what the individual sees around him.

Understand the meaning of red eyes

Red eyes are usually a warning sign. That's because the normal of the eyes is that they are completely white, with the exception of the iris and the pupil. In that sense, a red eye in the corner, or a red, swollen eye is just as worrisome as a simple red spot in the eye.

Because of this, people with red eyes tend to despair when they notice this change in their own face. Since the eyes are the window to the soul, it is understandable that they are afraid that something is wrong. But perhaps the situation is not so serious.

In most cases, the meaning of red eyes is actually associated with a change in the organism, which varies in each case. It is possible that people with red eyes have a physical illness that causes this problem, or that they are experiencing a mental state that can also result in it.

In the next topic, continue delving into the causes of this problem, to know what are the best actions to take once you identify this change in your body!

What can cause red eyes and what to do

It is not possible to pinpoint a single cause for red eyes. So, if you decide to venture around the internet searching something like “red eyes – what could it be”, it won't help you as accurately as professional help. Therefore, the only safe and efficient way to find the origin of this condition is to go to an ophthalmologist.

Despite this, it is possible to find out about some of the origins of this change. A red spot in the eye, for example, is usually caused by a rupture of blood vessels and is harmless. This may be due to increased pressure in the organ or a fragility of the body. Even this is the same cause of a red dot in the eye, or a red eye in the corner.

However, if the change you noticed goes beyond this red dot in the eye, characterized by a red and swollen eye, it is likely that you have conjunctivitis, or that you have performed some aggressive activity to the eyes without adequate protection. In some cases, the presence of a foreign body in the eyes can also make them reddened and swollen.

Another common fear is the red eye-stroke association. When a blood vessel in the eye ruptures, blood spreads over a small area, causing an intense red spot. This phenomenon is called an eye stroke – which explains the red eye-stroke relationship, and is common in people who suffer from high blood pressure.

There are also other explanations for the occurrence of red eyes, which can be associated with issues such as: types of conjunctivitis, allergies, eye strain, cough, dry eye, presence of a foreign body in the eyes or inflammation and infections in the organ. In each case, however, the appearance of other symptoms associated with the redness should be observed.

Now that you know the factors that can make your eyes red, you might be wondering what to do for eye redness. And the recommendation is just one: seek medical help. Only a professional is able to identify what is causing this change and what is the best way to treat it.

But it's important to point out: don't even think about deliberately using any red eye drops without a prescription. As the eye is a very sensitive organ, applying a product directly to the region can make the situation worse, depending on your case.

So, no matter how uncomfortable you are, do not use any medication without your doctor's knowledge or a specialist's recommendation, because the cause of the problem is not always a biological factor. So, no red eye drops or any other product to relieve redness!

According to body language, developed by Cristina Cairo, there are diseases that are provoked or intensified by our feelings. Therefore, it would be important not only to treat the alteration in the organism itself, but also to identify the root cause of the problem. In the next topics, learn more about it!

Body language and disease

The body language theory explains that our feelings and our behaviors can be the main causes of some physical problems in our body. In this case, to treat these illnesses, it is necessary to understand which negative emotions we are cultivating and how they affect us. Next, understand how this applies to the eyes.

What can we discover with the body language of the eyes

Before delving into the cause of red eyes in body language, let’s understand what eye body language is. That is, what they are able to convey about who we are, about our bodies and about the relationships we build. After all, the eyes are the window to the soul.

There are five main signs of eye body language:

1) Physical signs

When we are in a hostile environment, with a lot of wind or a lot of sun, we immediately cover our eyes or compress the muscles around them. This protective mechanism is evidence that we are not feeling comfortable. In other cases, this same message is translated into tears, which can manifest tension, sadness and anger.

On the other hand, when we are comfortable in an environment, or when we feel good about a situation, we keep our eyes relaxed, and we can shed tears of joy, depending on the moment. Therefore, the physical signs of eye body language can be positive or negative.

2) Social signals

When talking to another person, it is common to make eye contact with them. However, our eyes do not always convey a good impression. In some cases, the way we look at someone indicates an air of superiority, as if we are not really willing to relate to the other individual.

Fortunately, when we form prolonged eye contact, that negative message is canceled out and replaced with good feelings. A good conversation, which takes place in person, is primarily defined by a connection between people, which is strengthened by the exchange of glances.

3) Psychological signs

Emotions are not conveyed through the eyes only with tears. In fact, the entire set that makes up this organ, including the eyebrows, sends psychological signals about a person's state of mind.

When we are sad, the tips of our eyebrows curve downwards. If we are happy, they arch upwards. When anger manifests, we squint and form a diagonal with our eyebrows. Therefore, our true emotions are easily deciphered by our eyes.

4) Cognitive signals

Our eyes also provide cognitive signals about us. Pupil movement, dilating and contracting, indicates an individual's level of concentration on a task, or how interested he is in something, for example. Also, observing this part of the eyes can indicate a person's state of consciousness.

Other cognitive signals transmitted by the eyes concern the mental processes a person is going through. If she cannot remember information, for example, she has a tendency to move her eyes to the left.

5) Signs in relationships

It's hard to hide the romantic interest we feel in a person when eyes meet. That's because when we're attracted to someone, we want to spend as much time as possible admiring that individual, intensely and deeply. On the other hand, if there is not that much interest, it is possible that eye contact will always be avoided.

Over the course of a relationship, a couple is able to understand how the other person is feeling just by the looks they present. So it's simple to perceive disapproval, desire, agreement, affection and so many other feelings.

Can Emotional Illnesses Make Your Eyes Red?

After unraveling eye body language, the time has come to delve deeper into red eye body language. This is because this change in the organism is not only evidence of a biological factor, but also a sign that there is something wrong with an individual's emotional state.

In this case, what happens are emotional diseases, which affect a person's mind and feelings, and which manifest themselves through eye diseases. If you have noticed that your eyes are red for no apparent reason, it is possible that you are experiencing certain sensations that result in this.

With the content below, understand Cristina Cairo's perspective on the occurrence of red eyes in an individual. Remember that it is always recommended to seek medical help in order to obtain a reliable, efficient and fast diagnosis.

Red eyes according to Cristina Cairo

They mean "irritation" with what you are seeing around you and that you are living with people who contradict you and who live with different standards of happiness than yours. You don't have to live with what your heart doesn't want. Learn to accept loneliness, because time is our best friend.

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Everything we believe in ends up coming true. So trust fully in your future and know that happiness is always with us. Just sensitize yourself and love everything around you, without revolts. Get in tune with the one you live with and try to understand him. Every human being has their expectations and their secret beliefs. Usually people don't realize that they are irritating someone, this is because, for them, their own behavior is correct and normal. Be patient with differences and seek to know yourself better, because within you there is an inexhaustible source of energy and peace that need to be externalized. Your tiredness justifies your secret irritation, but it doesn't justify you continuing to hurt yourself. Free yourself, without fear, from everything that hurts you and await, with joy, the compensation that Nature will bring you.

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