5 ways to identify verbal abuse

That saying that tells us that there are words that hurt more than physical fights is extremely true. Fighting with someone goes far beyond physical aggression and words can have the same weight and intensity depending on how they are said. Unfortunately, people often get out of control and attack each other without realizing it. Verbal abuse is a very reprehensible attitude and must be fought at all costs.

We tend to be vigilant when talking to friends or co-workers, so we also need to mince words and take action if we are the victims of verbal abuse coming from family and a love partner.

It can be difficult to identify what really characterizes verbal abuse, but it is necessary if you want to live a peaceful life away from unnecessary annoyances. Not to mention that a relationship where there is this type of treatment should not last. To help you identify if you are starring in scenes with this despicable attitude, we have separated the five main types of verbal abuse below. Check out:

1- Name-calling

When in a conversation one person starts hurling insults at the other it is a very clear sign that something is not going well at all. I don't just mean profanity, but strong words capable of hurting the other person like "bitch", "scrotum" or "useless" can have the same aggressive effect.

2- Screams

This is the most common thing to happen in any kind of discussion, as soon as people start to disagree and get excited, the tone of voice also automatically disappears. However, it's always good to be careful not to overstep the boundaries because yelling at another person hurts and intimidates. It's an aggressive way of expressing yourself. Think about how careful you are not to yell at your boss, for example. From today, take the same care with the other people with whom you relate.

5 ways to identify verbal abuse

3- Threats

This is a form of verbal abuse that leaves us no room for doubt. Threats, depending on the level, can be criminal. In milder cases they can be identified as blackmail. But none of them are indicated in any relationship, so never do anything just out of fear of some threat. Always seek help if this happens and get away from the person as soon as possible. Unfortunately, unhealthy love relationships abound and many people get stuck in them for fear of threats from their partner.

4- Manipulation

A form of verbal abuse as serious as the one described above, only more veiled. Generally manipulators are extremely covert and can give others an image completely different from the real one, even turning the tables and playing victims. The big problem is when not even the person being manipulated sees it. If you've ever been suspicious of this, trust your intuition and get it out in the open as soon as possible.

5- Intolerance

It doesn't matter in what form it comes, it can be by color, weight, race or sexuality. Are you going to say that you've never seen a woman judged for her humor as being "in those days"? It can be an innocent joke for the one who does it, but it can also be received as verbal abuse by the one who receives it. You always have to be careful! Think before you speak, try not to fight, and never feel superior to anyone.

Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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