What is the Ascendant in the Astrological Chart - What does it say about you?

There are many ways to put the process of self-knowledge into practice. One of them is Astrology. From the observation of the stars, planets and the Moon, for example, it is possible to draw up an Astral Map of a person, which shows what the configuration of the sky was at the moment he was born and what this says about the personality that will to develop.

Although not everyone believes in Astrology and many think it is too generic, delving into your Astral Map can bring you truths about its essence that you never imagined. If you thought only your Sun sign described who you were, it's time to expand your knowledge.

Starting with your rising sign, you will find out which sign was appearing on the horizon at the time of your birth. And then you will be able to understand how it influences your image and your essence.

Next, explore the universe of Astrology knowing a little more about the Ascendant in the Astral Map. Do this self-knowledge exercise and take an important step in your evolutionary journey. Realize the relationship between the Universe and you and be surprised by the influence of the stars in your everyday life!

What is the Ascendant in the Astrological Chart - What does it say about you?
Mira Cosic / Pixabay

How to know my ascendant?

First of all, you need to correctly identify what your rising sign is. To do this, you must separate your birth certificate and verify the exact time you were born. It is important that you are sure of this information, because it will determine what your ascendant is. Even a change of minutes can make a difference!

Other information you should find on your certificate is your date of birth and where in the world it happened. With this data in hand, you can look for a good astrologer or a reliable website that performs your Astral Map. Look for ones that have already been used by other people you know!

It is essential to emphasize that the identification of a person's ascendant is not an opinion or based on a guess. It is precise, almost mathematical information. So, if a person or a trusted website said that your ascendant is a certain sign, it's probably true.

What does the rising sign say about the person?

Simply put, a person's rising sign is what defines how they show themselves to the world. This includes the way she expresses herself, the physical appearance and individuality of each one. Going deeper into this question, we will come to answers to other questions.

The ascendant can reveal what a person's points of view are, how they face each difficulty in life, what strategies they use when socializing with others and how they project themselves. A simple example of the last topic would be to observe the type of content that this person posts on social media, which contributes to the construction of their image.

What is the Ascendant in the Astrological Chart - What does it say about you?
LNTH / Pixabay

Since a person's Ascendant is how they show themselves to the world, it is likely to be more evident in someone's personality than their Sun sign. Who knew, right? Knowing your ascendant is essential to understanding your impulses and dealing with them better, so that the image you convey is compatible with your essence.

Characteristics of each rising sign

If you want to take the first step to know your rising sign, we have separated some brief and summarized information that will help you. However, it is essential that you seek information in your complete Astral Map, either with the help of a professional or a website. That way, you can get to know each other in depth!

1) Ascendant in Aries

Those with an Aries ascendant convey an image of authenticity. He is a person who is faithful to what he believes in and who is not afraid of the judgments of others when taking a stand on something.

2) Ascendant in Taurus

The Taurus ascendant is characteristic of people who seem to be very confident about themselves and about the plans they make for the future. They lead life responsibly and with good taste.

3) Ascendant in Gemini

A person who has identified Gemini as an ascendant in the Birth Chart has a tendency to learn about numerous subjects, being someone of many interests.

4) Ascendant in Cancer

The sign of Cancer as ascendant defines a personality capable of welcoming and listening to other people, with great delicacy. Empathy manifests itself in a striking way for those who have this astrological aspect.

5) Ascendant in Leo

As with those with Aries as their rising sign, the Leo ascendant evokes authenticity. He is a person who lives with joy, who knows his potential and who values ​​a good personal image.

What is the Ascendant in the Astrological Chart - What does it say about you?
LNTH / Pixabay

6) Ascendant in Virgo

The Virgo ascendant allows a person to have more ability to deal with difficult problems, being able to listen to others and help them in numerous situations. Thus, she will also exercise the generosity of this astrological aspect.

7) Ascendant in Libra

Charisma and diplomacy are two of the traits that are not lacking in those with a Libra ascendant. Transmitting a lot of sympathy, these people are sociable and live surrounded by friends.

8) Ascendant in Scorpio

Having the Scorpio rising sign is an indication of self-protection and loyalty. He is a person who can take a long time to trust someone, but when that happens, he will maintain this relationship for a long time.

9) Ascendant in Sagittarius

The Sagittarius ascendant is typical of people who have an inspiring and striking presence. They live with optimism and take the astral from anywhere up there, being great company.

10) Ascendant in Capricorn

Those with Capricorn ascendant demonstrate determination to achieve their own goals, even those who need more patience, which is another virtue of this astrological aspect.

What is the Ascendant in the Astrological Chart - What does it say about you?
LNTH / Pixabay

11) Ascendant in Aquarius

The most evident characteristic of those with an Aquarius ascendant is the desire to change the world. They are open-minded people who are always willing to make a difference.

12) Ascendant in Pisces

Sympathy and understanding are two qualities that are always present in those with a Pisces ascendant. These people are good listeners and will be there for you when you need them.

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Understanding the ascendant in the Astral Map is essential to understand what image we transmit to other people, what our attitudes are towards them and how it is possible to evolve. Get your birth certificate, look for a good astrologer or a reliable website and find out what your rising sign is, to get to know yourself more and more!

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