Sacred feminine: know your inner goddess and how she acts in your behavior

When the subject is "gods", it is common for us to think directly of famous figures from Greek mythology, such as Afrodite, Gaia ou Athena, or even from Roman mythology, as the seductive Venus. This is, however, always based on a distant view, as if these deities were just characters from ancient stories, myths and legends.

What many of us don't know is that, in fact, every woman has an inner potency illuminated by the essence of some goddess. Goddesses, as powerful feminine archetypes, inhabit the spirits of all women, and awakening to your Goddess Within can move mountains in your life.

The Sacred Feminine and Awakening

The Sacred Feminine motivates women's self-knowledge, encouraging them to discover more about themselves, encouraging them to better understand their own instincts, pleasures and desires. From this process of interiorization in their own "I", the external world changes completely, as if a new consciousness embraced them. This is the awakening of the woman, which opens paths and equips her to accomplish everything that was previously forbidden or denied to her.

By enriching self-knowledge, a woman frees herself from the limiting expectations of today's world and takes the reins of her own paths, commanding the essential points of change in her life, a process that intensifies when a woman understands which goddess predominates in her consciousness and in your spirit.

How the Goddess Within is Reflected in Us

go to meet your Inner Goddess it is to meet its essence, and when we are faced with our own essence, there is no impulse that is able to dominate us. Understanding yourself within a female archetype is, in fact, mastering yourself, as it is empowering your own instincts and acting for what you truly believe in yourself.

The woman who is in touch with the goddess herself is notorious even when she is naturally walking down the street, for she is an emancipated woman who has transgressed in her nature. in contact with the Sacred Feminine, this woman got rid of blocks, impositions and external commandments; she has a special sparkle in her eyes. Everything she does, she does with delight, because she does it because she wants to and because she is aware of the most visceral meaning of her life. This type of woman is noticed by everyone, because she moves and inspires.

Sacred feminine: know your inner goddess and how she acts in your behavior
Anastasia Lobanovskaya / Pexels

This is because, in the first place, this woman transcended earthly life by understanding and seeing herself as part of a much larger organism. The dramas of everyday life, which often lead to fatigue, frustration, confusion, frailty, or other bad feelings, are small and irrelevant to this woman's worldview. Furthermore, she understood that her body, her soul and her mind are projections of a much greater ancient and millennial archetype; she connected with the female ancestors of her genealogy; she connected with women from other parts of the world and from other generations; she grew up as a living being, and thus her life found another meaning.

Connecting with the Goddess Within

Goddesses are a source of freedom and understanding, both personal and collective, that can be found and nurtured by any woman, regardless of her chosen path or life trajectory.

Talking about the Sacred Feminine and about the Inner Goddess of each woman is talking about the origin of the feminine, about the most instinctive nature of the woman, about her natural desire and her freedom to choose it. It's talking about what each woman really is, in essence, without masks or rules imposed externally by society. Awakening your Inner Goddess means opening paths for you to feel more alive, letting the true woman that exists in you emerge.

But how to do that? Well, as much as surrendering to the philosophy of the Sacred Feminine, meeting your Inner Goddess is a gradual process, which requires a path of patience and a time of adaptation.

At first, it is necessary to get rid of the blocks and ties that plague your life, and this happens through self-knowledge and self-acceptance. You need to get in touch with your inner self, going back to your past, revisiting buried or swallowed bitterness and negative feelings, bringing it back to your present time. This step can be painful or challenging. Therefore, if necessary, you can perform it with another person, through therapies.

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With that, let go of all wounds, make forgiveness and make sure you say goodbye to actions that no longer correspond to what you believe to be, getting rid of everything that is toxic and everything that doesn't talk about you anymore. See yourself as a new being.

After passing this phase, which can be completed in a week or take years to happen (Respect your own time!), it's time to meet your most sincere pleasures and desires. Detaching yourself from the idea of โ€‹โ€‹everything that has already been imposed on you, focus on capturing what really pleases you and gives you the courage to live and experience life. Remember times when you felt happy, remember episodes when you experienced satisfaction, and realize that all of that is you.

Freed from what held you back and armed with the awareness of your own desires, you will be ready and able to feel your Inner Goddess. It doesn't matter if you can't identify the name or imagine the shape of your goddess, because she will always be unique and subjective for each woman. There are those who identify themselves in the regency of famous mythological or religious goddess figures, but there are also those who feel the goddess as a presence in nature, which permeates the flowers, or who even interprets her within their own children. The most important part of the process is to understand that your goddess is in everything, inside and outside of you.

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