The sad end of the dark

    Beloved! Be prepared for the revelations that come from now on. The final days of the Darkness stay on this wonderful Blue Planet are approaching. It will be busy days, as the sorting is laborious. There is much to glean from the Earth's surface. As has been announced before, the cleaning is now here on the crust, that is, on the physical plane of the planet.

    I have written several times about the planetary transition, clarifying that this is not possible in a short period of time. On average, this transition takes three centuries to complete. So, if its beginning was around 1740 and 1750, it is expected to finish no later than 2050.

    But the period from 2012 to 2025 is surely the most intense and important within these 300 years. It is the period when the removal of the dark ones takes place. First, it was necessary to work the Earth's astral, from the ultralunar space to the sublunar space. Only in 2020 the sublunar astral was totally cleansed of the non-physical entities that make up the Darkness and with them they are pleased.

    Once the astral has been swept away, the attention of the army that makes up the Earth Alliance turns exclusively to the level of the crust, where the incarnates are. Obviously, cleaning now comes down to humans, whether incarnate, clones, or hybrids. Extraphysical entities no longer pose any problems, as they have all been immobilized and removed.

    Stay tuned for movements from now on. Even if little is shown, there is an accelerated advance in the removal of the dark ones. More than a million leaders of this dark caste will be removed. It will be very fast! Perhaps it will be completed within this year 2021, or little will be left for 2022.

    But it's not just the leaders that will be removed. Of course you have to cut off the monster's head first. But there are also the multiple tentacles, which will follow in the removal. And therein lies at least half of Earth's current population. These will form the group of EXILES FROM EARTH and will continue their improvement on another planet, still undergoing trials and atonements. This removal is not so urgent, so it is hoped that there will be no mass disincarnation. But there is a time limit, and it will also come.

    The sad end of the dark
    Nejron / Canva

    Even though this immense human mass is not as dark as the million referred to here, it serves in a way to the command of Darkness, since it allows itself to be manipulated by them. Most still have primary implants, also called mind chips, which obey the command as if they were a computer program. These implants are made when incarnating, and it is only possible to get rid of them by expanding consciousness.

    This maneuvering mass is what gives support and survival to the dark command on the Earth's surface. They are the faithful little soldiers, because, without adequate conscience, they remain attached to the system by which they are attuned. There is nothing that can be done to free them, for only they can do it. The dissolution of such implants does not happen externally, but through an individual effort, which allows for a change of consciousness such that the implant dissolves. Once dissolved, it can no longer be redeployed. This is the importance of awakening.

    This human mass, as its controllers are removed, will go headless. Without this command, you will be completely lost and disoriented. Many will go crazy. Others will commit suicide. Others will get sick, and nothing can cure them. Even so, there will be quite a number of them who will wake up from the pain. And it will be the last wave to wake up.

    Pay attention to the present moment of humanity. The whole truth is being censored, because it causes the awakening of consciences. The lie, on the other hand, is disseminated incessantly until many take it for truth. And so ignorance longer retains the darkness within that portion of humanity.

    It was already announced that the awakened would be attacked in all ways in these end times. The great enemy of the dark is the one who wakes up. Yes, this is true, as the awakened one will, of course, influence others to awaken as well. This is the reason why all Lightworkers are attacked lately. This is also the reason that all awakened ones are considered β€œout of the house” by their unawakened friends and family.

    The messages from Alto insist on saying that the moment is decisive. They encourage us to resist and persist despite these attacks. On the higher planes, everything is visible, even if it hasn't happened here yet. And there it is possible to see the victory of Light! Therefore, every day more and more people hear the mantra: THE LIGHT WON!

    The sad end of the dark
    MATJAZ SLANIC / Getty Images Signature / Canva

    The dark ones were always sure that they would never be defeated, as they dominated the planet for millions of years. Currently, the truth has shown us how empowered they were. Virtually all sectors of command and power were with them. Anyone who took command positions and did not align with them would be eliminated.

    But the Earth Alliance arrived with massive reinforcements and extraterrestrial technologies. It's also called the Resistance Movement, and nothing can defeat it. We are now at the turning points of this sweep, and this has also been called Storm.

    There is nothing else you can do but make a choice. Either choose Light or choose Shadow. That choice will be the last decision within your free will. An irreversible choice, as the divine plan can no longer wait. Time is pressing! The Earth is already vibrating in Fifth Dimensional energies, and nothing that vibrates in 3D dimensions can survive here. It's a matter of magnetism. Wanting will not solve, because what determines is the BEING.

    Be flexible to changes! Understand that this is a unique opportunity, perhaps the most important of all time. And if you are already awake, don't be bothered by the concept and contempt of others. They are still playing their part in the theater of life, that is, acting as malefactors and Shadow soldiers.

    And you who are a Worker of Light, Warrior of Light or Sower of Light, assume your mission once and for all! That's why you chose to incarnate and be here now. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by the threats and attacks of those who delight in evil and lies, for you knew it would come and you were prepared to endure such adversities. You are strong enough to face the current times.

    • Feng Shui Tips for Autumn
    • Things don't work out because you don't let go!
    • Investigate what lies behind the despair of dark forces
    • Understand how ThetaHealing interprets Light and Darkness
    • Connect with your moral center and your heart values

    Courage, trust and perseverance, because NOTHING WILL STOP WHAT IS TO COME!

    THE LIGHT WON! YOU WON! WE WON! THE TRUTH WINS! Darkness is definitely leaving this Blue Planet. This is the Creator's project!

    I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


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