6 benefits of having a pet

The fact that little animals change an environment, a house and a life no one doubts. They often arrive softly, but a short time later they have completely conquered their owners (and were conquered by them). Although everyone says that the presence of a pet can be very pleasant, what are the real benefits of the presence of an animal in our lives?

We have prepared an article that presents the answer to this question! Now you will understand once and for all how your pet helps you to live better and with more quality. Oh, and if you are thinking of adopting a dog, cat or other animal, read our article carefully to understand how it can be important, beneficial and enjoyable in your life.

Attention, however, because animals need time, affection, love, food, water, among other essential items and situations. If, however, you feel that you are still unable to have a pet, take his advice for yourself and do not adopt. On the other hand, if you feel like you can be a good tutor/owner for a little creature that certainly needs a lot of affection, adopt!

We have prepared a list of 6 benefits that animals bring to our lives. Check them out:

fights stress

Are you in need of stress relief? A pet, therefore, may be the solution! According to a study published in 2018 by the State University of New York, in the United States, pets are essential companions for us to combat everyday stress. The research tested the stress levels of unaccompanied people, with their romantic partners, with their pets, and with animals and romantic partners. To the surprise of many people, the best results appeared when only the animal was present.

6 benefits of having a pet
Olya Kobruseva / Pexels

Decreases the risk of allergies in children

You certainly know someone who donated a pet when they saw their son or daughter born or who preferred not to adopt because they were afraid the child would have or develop joy in the animal's fur, right? This, however, is a huge mistake for parents! Research published by the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2019 showed that a child's immune system can be 33% stronger in relation to allergies if the little one has contact with an animal. How about gifting your son or daughter with a pet? It will be good for their health, see?

Good for the heart

Studies carried out between 2017 and 2020 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States, in partnership with the National Institute of Health of the North American country, pointed out that having an animal at home greatly reduces the level of triglycerides, cholesterol and blood pressure. owners' blood. As all this can cause cardiac arrest, in addition to other heart or cardiovascular diseases, having a pet around can be a great “natural” prevention for these very serious problems.

6 benefits of having a pet
Olya Kobruseva / Pexels

Dogs help control weight

"Shall we go for a walk?" Many puppies just hearing this go crazy to take a walk on the street. Know that this little walk is not only beneficial for him, because a survey by the National Institute of Health of the United States has shown that people who walk daily with their dogs are less likely to be obese compared to those who do not walk with pets every day. .

Cats reduce stroke risk

And so that cat owners don't get annoyed with our article, here's a study from the University of Minnesota, proving that cats bring benefits that prevent and prevent heart attacks, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. This study is long: it took more than 20 years following 4.500 people. Among the results, 40% of those who didn't have cats were more likely to have a stroke, as well as 30% more likely to have a cardiac arrest. Despite the seemingly random relationship between one thing and another, the researchers wrote that this is because the presence of cats decreases anxiety and stress, especially in the long term.

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Company for difficult times

In his book “Dogs know when their owners are coming”, the English biologist Rupert Sheldrake says that pets, whatever they are, can help the owner/owner to go through a moment of strength, doubt and, above all, all in mourning. According to the author, animals improve their owners' self-esteem, give and receive a lot of affection and keep them company, especially in times of grief and loss of loved ones.

If this list, however, didn't convince you to adopt a pet, we don't know what else will! Enjoy all the benefits that the presence of this little creature can bring to your life, such as infinite doses of affection and love. Put a pet in your life and be much happier in his company! Don't forget, however, to only adopt an animal if you are sure that you want one and that it will be able to accompany you wherever you go. Dogs and cats are not toys, so don't treat them as such. In the most, adopt and put even more happiness, affection and affection in your routine.

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