The Effects of Mars as Ruling Planet in 2019

In 2019, the year is from mars, one of the strongest planets in the solar system and one that promises very important upheavals for all of us. Unfortunately, despite being an imposing planet, Mars brings with it the possibility of wars and conflicts, whether between nations or people.

By the standards of Mars, the ruling planet of 2019, we will have a very intense, exciting, passionate and rushed year that will give you the impression that everything will pass in the blink of an eye.

The Effects of Mars as Ruling Planet in 2019

This must happen due to the more hurried cycles caused by the passage of Mars. You can have the feeling that time is passing faster and that especially good times fly.

Mars is a free, hurried planet and can greatly favor the kinds of growth and knowledge that happen quickly and practically. Wait for a year without traditional ceremonies or rituals; you will find yourself more constantly faced with informal, casual and ephemeral situations.

No love, sex and overwhelming passions must be in control β€” all very quickly and intensely. In politics, a lot of power is involved, especially represented by younger, hardworking, strong men and even some sportsmen.

The Effects of Mars as Ruling Planet in 2019

in actions, nerves will be on edge and it will take serenity not to get involved in accidents, especially those related to the fire element or caused as a result of anger or haste.

Mars is considered a planet of beginnings, but not necessarily ending them.

It will be up to you to continue this birth, strengthening, structuring and thriving for years to come.

The Effects of Mars as Ruling Planet in 2019

Also known as the God of War, Mars will not only be responsible for accelerating the pace of events, but also influence changes that are quite dangerous β€” whether for the human race or from the forces of nature. The year 2019 could be marked by many cases of accidents, fires, storms, floods and other high-intensity events.

As previously mentioned, the ruling planet of 2019 must bring with it the power of intense feelings β€” and we're not talking about very positive aspects. Conflicts arising from a great deal of stress, anger and outbreaks of violence are foreseen.

If you are a person who takes the road, faces traffic or usually frequents places with high concentration or movement of people, be extra careful! It is in these circumstances that tempers tend to run high and lead to fights.

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