Sciatic pain? Do you live your life as you really want to?

If someone said that your sciatic pain could be caused by some feeling you have, would you believe it? Many people think that only physical factors can trigger this type of problem. However, it is possible to analyze these discomforts also from a psychosomatic perspective.

A psychosomatic illness is one that manifests itself from an emotional imbalance. This difficulty in controlling one's emotions has physical consequences, altering the functioning of body organs or causing discomfort, such as sciatic pain.

That is, even that problem that seems to have nothing to do with the way you feel emotionally can be a result of your feelings. To learn more about the relationship between the emotions you are fueling and your sciatic pain, keep reading!

What is sciatica?

The sciatic or sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body and originates from the union with the L4, L5, S1, S2 and S3 nerve roots. It leaves the end of the lumbar spine and extends through the hip, below the piriformis muscle, subdividing into the tibial nerve and fibular nerve, which also ramify. It runs down the back of the thighs and knees, until it reaches the big toe, called the big toe.

It is through the sciatic nerve that the brain controls the sensitivity and partially the movements of the hip, perineal region and thighs; and, in total, the strength and movements of the knee, leg, ankle, feet and fingers. It can sustain damage or injury within the spinal canal, in the space between the vertebrae, or at any other point along its path, as it passes through the muscles, the fibrous tissue membranes that protect the organs and tendons.

The emotional and the physical

Sciatic pain? Do you live your life as you really want to?
belchonock / 123rf

After understanding what sciatica is, understand what are the everyday attitudes that can influence the development of pain in this region:

1) Difficulty controlling your own life

The spine is a part of the body that stabilizes us, organizes us and helps us to define our life goals. Therefore, when we have difficulty controlling what we seek and what we do on a daily basis, physical problems in this region begin to appear. In that case, it would be important to outline the plans you want to achieve and have the courage to carry them out.

2) Accumulation of resentments

Psychosomatic illnesses are the result of traumas that have not been dealt with. Therefore, if a person accumulates resentment about something they have experienced and does not seek a way to alleviate this pain, this discomfort will probably become physical as well. So when going through a difficult event, seek help to heal.

3) Powerlessness in the face of major decisions

Sciatica pain is related to the lack of control over one's life, the accumulation of resentment and the feeling of helplessness. When we don't have our voices heard, when we feel invalidated and when we seem inferior to others, it is sciatica that can feel the effects. It's important to always show up!

Sciatic Pain by Cristina Cairo

Cristina Cairo considers that sciatica is a response of the body to arrest or paralyze the person's movements. She is emotionally influenced by the fact that someone does not allow themselves to feel pleasure or does not live the way they want or as they would like. Even unconsciously, the individual feels powerless, cannot see his value and cannot overcome the fear of following in search of fulfilling his own dreams and exercising leadership over his own life.

Sciatic pain? Do you live your life as you really want to?
Tumisu / Pixabay

In this way, sciatica, from this point of view, represents a lack of fluidity and flexibility, as well as a certain inability to face changes with ease, without temerity, freeing oneself from the past, from hurts and seeking to find pleasure and happiness.

In addition, when the individual collaborates with himself, respecting the limit and the right time for everything, he brings with him the "burden", including financial, that he can bear and understands that there are things that are not his, not having to answer or blame himself for it. them, he will free himself from the possibility of experiencing sciatica.

Cristina Cairo recommends that people do not close themselves off, but open their heart, mind and body. Let the exchange of love flow with others, enjoying the best of life, without resisting happiness and knowing that evolution is made up of steps to be climbed with balance, perseverance and patience, assuming the responsibilities that are one's own in fact.

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The author of several books on Body Language also recommends that each person seek their self-knowledge, whether through Astrology, Psychoanalysis, spirituality or any other means that allows them to understand feelings, emotions and their role in the world, to avoid sciatica and other pains.

Microphysiotherapy can help you

Microphysiotherapy is a type of therapy that aims to identify the source of a problem. In this way, it is possible to solve a problem at its root, through palpation exercises and elimination of what is bothering a patient.

The session lasts about an hour, in which the professional will gently touch the patient's body. During this process, the physical therapist will analyze which tissues have lost vitality as a result of trauma. This absence of life is like a scar that, when identified, is stimulated to heal itself.

In the case of sciatic pain, which can be caused by emotional trauma, microphysiotherapy will identify in which part of the body negative memories about something are stored. From this analysis, it is even possible to find out at what stage of a person's life such an evil occurred. Then the healing touches begin.

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