Prayer of Forgiveness by Cristina Cairo

Forgiving a person is a fundamental act for the personal development of the one who forgives and who has been forgiven. From forgiveness, we understand that we can all make mistakes, repent and improve. It was with this in mind that Cristina Cairo developed the Prayer of Forgiveness. She is the body language theorist, an idea that presents the relationship between our feelings and our physical health. So, to increase your all-round well-being, practice forgiveness with the following words!

Pray this prayer at night, before going to sleep, for your unconscious to fully absorb it.

Attention: Visualize the face of the person you need to forgive, or be forgiven by, and say each word, from the bottom of your heart, calling him or her by name when you feel you need to reach out to them during prayer.

I forgive you, please forgive me.
You were never to blame
I was never to blame either.
I forgive you, forgive me, please.
Life teaches us through discord...
And I learned to love you and let you go from my mind.

You need to live your own lessons and so do I.
I forgive you, forgive me, in the name of God.
Now go be happy, so that I may be too.
May God protect you and forgive our worlds,
Sorrows have disappeared from my heart and there is only light and peace in my life.
I want you happy, smiling, wherever you are...
It's so good to let go, stop resisting and let new feelings flow!
I forgave you from the bottom of my soul, because I know you never did anything wrong,
And yes, because he believed it was the best way to be happy…

Forgive me for harboring hatred and hurt in my heart for so long.
I didn't know how good it felt to forgive and let go; I didn't know how good it felt to let go of what never belonged to me.
Now I know that we can only be happy when we let our lives go, so that they follow their own dreams and their own mistakes.
I don't want to control anything or anyone anymore. That's why I ask you to forgive me and let me go too, so that your heart is filled with love, just like mine.

Prayer of Forgiveness

Since the process of forgiving can be difficult, you may need a few more incentives to do so. Then check out three other prayers of forgiveness that we've separated to help you.

1) Prayer for forgiveness by Chico Xavier

Prayer of Forgiveness by Cristina Cairo
Fadyukhin / Getty Images Signature / Canva

“Lord Jesus!

Teach us to forgive as you have forgiven us and forgive us at every step of life.

Help us to understand that forgiveness is the power capable of extinguishing evil.

It induces us to recognize in our brothers and sisters that the darkness makes children of God as unhappy as we do and that it is our obligation to interpret them in the condition of sick people, in need of assistance and love.

Lord Jesus, whenever we feel like victims of someone's attitudes, make us understand that we are also susceptible to mistakes and that, for this very reason, the faults of others could be ours.

Lord, we know what forgiveness of offenses is, but have mercy on us and teach us to practice it.

So be it!"

2) Prayer of forgiveness Seicho-No-Ie

“I forgave you

and you forgave me

you and I are one before God.

i love him/her

and you love me too;

you and I are one before God.

I thank you and you thank me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you…

There is no longer any resentment between us.

I sincerely pray for your happiness.

Be more and more happy...

God forgives you,

therefore I also forgive you.

I've forgiven everyone

and I welcome them all with the love of God.

Likewise, God forgives me for mistakes

and welcomes me with His immense love.

God's Love, Peace and Harmony

involve me and each other.

I love him and he loves me.

I understand him and he understands me.

There is no misunderstanding between us.

Who loves does not hate,

see no fault, hold no grudge.

To love is to understand the other and not

demand the impossible.

God forgives you.

So I also forgive you.

By the divinity of Seicho-No-Ie,

I forgive and send you waves of love.

I love you."

3) Umbanda forgiveness prayer

“Now, I sincerely apologize to all people whom I have in some way, knowingly and unknowingly, offended, injured, harmed or displeased.

Analyzing and judging everything I've accomplished throughout my life, I see that the value of my good deeds is enough to pay all my debts and redeem all my guilt, leaving a positive balance in my favor.

I feel at peace with my conscience and, with my head held high, I take a deep breath, hold it, and focus to send a current of energy destined for the Higher Self. As I relax, my sensations reveal that this contact has been established.

Now I address a message of faith to my Higher Self, asking for guidance, protection and help to carry out, at an accelerated pace, a very important project that I am thinking about and towards which I am already working with dedication and love.

I am grateful with all my heart to all the people who have helped me and I am committed to giving back by working for the good of others, acting as a catalyst for enthusiasm, prosperity and self-fulfillment.

I will do everything in harmony with the laws of nature and with the permission of our Creator, eternal, infinite, indescribable, which I intuitively feel is the only real power, acting inside and outside of me.

So be it and so will be. Amen."

You might also like:

  • Forgiveness: Are we obligated to forgive?
  • Learn the prayer of forgiveness according to Seicho-no-ie
  • Do the forgiveness exercise and free your mind
  • Discover the Six Essential Steps to Forgiving Someone
  • Actions to overcome the past

After learning the prayers of forgiveness, you can now turn on that light within you. Remember that it's okay to take a little longer to forgive someone or to ask for forgiveness. However, by doing this, you will feel lighter and more willing, being able to see the best in people. Try it!

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