Do you know your emotional intelligence? Do you know what soft skills are?

Dear reader, I come to address two issues that are very high in the uncertain times we are going through. Emotional intelligence. What comes to your mind when you read or hear something about this? Is it about being happy or sad? Do I need to learn to master something inside me? And soft skills? You know? Do you have?

Emotional intelligence

By definition, psychology defines emotional intelligence as the ability to identify your emotions and the emotions of others, as well as the gift of working with each of them.

Charles Darwin was the first theorist to use a concept similar to that of emotional intelligence. He defends the externalization of emotional manifestations for subsistence and accommodation to a given context.

Do you know your emotional intelligence? Do you know what soft skills are?
Bernardbodo / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Some scholars, such as Daniel Goleman, divide emotional intelligence into five trends:

  • Emotional self-knowledge;
  • Emotional control;
  • Self motivation;
  • Empathy;
  • Develop interpersonal relationships (social skills).

When someone distinguishes an emotion as it manifests itself, it is said to have the capacity for emotional self-knowledge. On the other hand, someone who has emotional control has the gift of being concerned only with their feelings, adapting them to each scenario and each specific situation.

In self-motivation you direct your feelings towards a main goal. And so he can follow in focus to achieve his goal. There are also those who are adept at identifying other people's feelings and those who are skilled in relationships between people.

The first three factors are linked to intrapersonal intelligence, the ability to understand yourself, to produce an authentic and accurate representation of your self and to use it permanently and creatively. The remaining two are linked to interpersonal intelligence, the gift of understanding others, which elements stimulate them, how they act and how one should act with them associatively.

Soft skills

Do you know your emotional intelligence? Do you know what soft skills are?
Designer491 / Getty Images Pro / Canva

The term soft skills, together with the term hard skills, appeared in 1972, in the manuals of the US Air Force, and the objective was that the military could have the knowledge of the different skills they would need to perform a certain function. With that they would know what technical skills they needed to develop specific tasks. These skills and abilities are already a key item in the curriculum of a professional looking for a placement or replacement in the job market.

A survey developed by LinkedIn, called “Global Talent Trends”, carried out in 2019 with the main leaders of large corporations and great experts, defined that soft skills are among the most valuable skills and observed by recruiters when defining a particular candidate. . Only good qualifications will no longer be enough.

  • Hard and soft skills: why integrate them?
  • Learn the secret to overcoming your biggest fears
  • Understand what emotional intelligence is in depth
  • Discover the benefits of emotional intelligence

Soft skills are a set of skills and competencies related to human behavior. And what are the main soft skills that the market needs today? Among so many important skills, I have defined 10 as the most essential that any professional cannot lack:

  • Communication;
  • Leadership;
  • Flexibility and resilience;
  • Team work;
  • Creativity;
  • Proactivity;
  • Empathy;
  • Work ethics;
  • Positive attitude.

Your success depends only on you.

“I like the impossible because there is less competition”

Walt Disney
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