We found out why the sagging glutes!

This article will help you to stop giving up your personal pleasures, including having a tight, upturned butt.

Did you know that people who are unhappy with their glutes have exacerbated self-demand and a great fear of loneliness?

Cristina Cairo states in her book that flaccid buttocks can be recurrent in people who take responsibility for other people's problems on themselves and give too much to their families.

Buttocks second Cristina Cairo

The gluteal muscles represent the power to make your own decisions, to have the courage and determination to walk with your own legs without depending emotionally and financially on anyone.

Withered or drooping buttocks symbolize the unconscious fear of loneliness and losing control. People in these conditions bring to themselves the responsibilities and problems that would be their family members and thus, unconsciously, they achieve their goals of keeping them present and under their control while protecting their emotional dependence. They tend to give up their personal pleasures for the sake of others, even if it causes them annoyance. People with withered buttocks typically have little ability to experience physical pleasure.

Many of these people live alone, have a solid financial situation and are professionally independent. However, they carry emotional insecurities in their hearts, hence they need to share their doubts, decisions and fears with family members or friends. They cannot go forward alone and are always nullified in their true personal desires. They feel a tremendous need to consult with someone for guidance on how to act in certain circumstances.

We found out why the sagging glutes!

Dropped buttocks or buttocks therefore show how much the person is living under the influence of others. Observe, for example, the reaction of the dog attacked by surprise: either he, scared, puts his tail between his legs and leaves, or he aggressively attacks the one who molested him.

This is exactly how these people live: sometimes they are annulled, sometimes aggressive in defense of their territory or their individuality when they find themselves cornered. They are apparently strong personality individuals, but this is just their aggressiveness and insecurity for not knowing how to manage their power wisely. The buttocks are directly connected to the first two chakras of our body, the basal center or muladara (basic support), where the energy of the kundaline (the coiled serpent or serpentine fire located at the tip of the coccyx) resides; and the sacral chakra, or suadhisthana (your own abode, seat of the self), center that sustains the entire energy system of the body and is traditionally linked to the sacral region. The activities related to the basement chakra are visceral and instinctive, that is, eating, sleeping and everything related to personal safety and survival. By Chinese tradition, this center is linked to the world of hell.

People with a lack of energy in the basement chakra do not believe in themselves very much, have few bodily sensations, are influenceable and have an unbalanced personality. On the other hand, people who have excess energy in the muladara work too much, are materialistic, envious, eagerly desire something, coveting it strongly. Their ego seeks satisfaction at any cost, causing these people to commit injustices based on false knowledge. When this energy is released, the person seeks their inner balance and their own space in life. She starts to feel emotionally strong and is no longer dominated by someone or matter. Stop being a prisoner and come to know joy and love for all things.

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The second center is at the level of the sacrum bone. By Chinese tradition it is known as the world of the hungry. It is a chakra linked to light, life, procreation, sexuality, erotic sensuality and the pursuit of pleasure. The energy of this center dominates genital function, body fluids, the adipose system, the genital glands, and absorption and elimination.

Excess energy in the sacral center creates exacerbated sexuality, don Juanism, nymphomania, desire on all levels and thirst for everything.

On the other hand, lack of energy leads to abulia (lack of desire or will), anorexia (loss of appetite), edema, frigidity, aversion and impotence.

When this energy is released and balanced, the person becomes hospitable, cordial, loves life, knows how to give and receive and becomes merciful towards all beings.

See that the Hindu tradition proves the body language, Egyptian, Chinese and Japanese.

The eastern point of view is always harmonious, with few different approaches. It is an ancient knowledge, which the West proves and respects through alternative or traditional therapies. The chakras, for example, are verified through the Kirlian machine, which photographs the aura and energy points of the living being.

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