The psychological meaning of food

Did you know that food can influence not only our physique, but also our psychological side?

It is not news to anyone that some foods such as chocolate, for example, bring sensations related to well-being and can be very comforting.

Psychoanalysis, on the other hand, goes deeper into the matter and states that some foods have a personality similar to ours and that to get to know ourselves better, it is enough to observe our food frequently. That's right, our food preferences can trace our psychological profile. This is what Cristina Cairo says in her book.

“In order to better understand the psychological meaning of food, it is necessary to explain that every creation of Nature – including the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms, including planetary systems – has its own personality.

Personality is the driving force that determines the internal quality and expresses it through forms and behaviors. In fact, the personality is the mask with which we present ourselves, developed during the first years of our life, according to the unconscious defense mechanisms. And so it is necessary for us to externalize our soul's desires to society as adults.

We know, therefore, that our personality can be shaped by our conscience, from the moment we come to understand that this mask can be redesigned through self-knowledge and the willpower to want to transform itself.

Human beings are able to live in groups thanks to their identification with other similar beings, either by behavior or by the habitat in which they live. In the same way that we are attracted to people who think like us, so is it with certain foods that have a personality similar to ours.

To know more about ourselves, just look at what we eat most often and analyze the characteristics of that food, comparing them with our personality or our current emotional state: we are what we eat and we eat what we are.

Paulo de Tarso, expert and self-styled “helper” in Advanced Nutrition, guarantees:

"Through a person's food preferences, we can trace their psychonutritional profile and thus restore health and emotion, applying dietary guidelines and emotional balance teas, within eating habits, household budget and therapeutic taste".

Therefore, we can say that, when we understand that we are being dragged towards the consumption of certain foods, due to our emotional state, we are able to interfere with our free will, modifying this psychological preference, opting for foods that elevate our soul, helping us to improve our character.

The psychological meaning of food
And Gold / Unsplash

Dear reader, get to know yourself better through the examples of the psychological meanings of foods listed below and be determined to make changes in your behavior to be happy. Even if you are not able to follow certain diets that would result in your transformation, you can change your thoughts, your words, and your behavior. Just want, and everything that comes close to you will be beneficial, both with regard to food, personal relationships or situations. Believe it!

The following transcribed examples were kindly provided for this work by Paulo de Tarso, for whom I have a very special affection and respect for his work in the recovery of the sick.

With his wonderful method of advanced nutrition, he analyzes the patient by what he eats and, based on observations, teaches him a new eating behavior. With this procedure, he has already restored the physical health or emotional balance of many who sought him out.

The reader who wants to delve into this field will find, at the end of this book, the address of this professional with whom he can make contact. See, now, the psychological meaning of food, according to Paul of Tarsus.


Just “read” the animal: the swine eats any matter, without quantitative or qualitative criteria. Some humans seek to satisfy all the pleasures at the same time, without any criteria, which predispose them to atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and, above all, lack of food satiety, sexual and professional disinterest.
Still on the swine, we should note that the fat concentration of this animal is similar to people who want to concentrate wealth and attention, but do not allow themselves to ingest only what is necessary for their organism, being energetically unbalanced because they are consuming more than necessary.


The cow eats roots and feeds humans. Thus, people who need to donate and receive need dairy foods. Every human sense goes through their food preferences. When a person consumes too much red meat, it is revealing the need to stick to their activities, as well as indicating insecurity in seeking new horizons. They are people who are regulated, fearful and impatient with those who are “different”.


When you want a lot, just observe that, like chocolate, which has the same flavor from start to finish, it is protected by a wrapper, which has milk as a special component, donated by the mother cow who asks for nothing in return. They are people who are not needy, but dissatisfied with their current pleasures and seek continuous pleasure without changes or interruptions, especially without the need to reciprocate.


A single fruit with a bark, suspended and with an oxygenating source. Thus, when a person seeks to have the breath to withstand emotional pressure, desiring material and psychological stability, he is very pleased with this wholesome fruit, but he has no patience with similar people who vary a lot in their behavior: one day sad, another "more or less". , or very happy and tomorrow “who knows?”


People who always act in the same way and always achieve the same results do not risk the new, even if it is pleasant, they avoid change until they are sure that they will not have to take risks or that they will not be questioned.

The pasta has different shapes, but always with the same taste, despite being covered with different sauces or dressings: everything will be the same from start to finish.

Predictable people, with inducible attitudes, take great pleasure in eating pasta.


The psychological meaning of food
Arwin Neil Baichoo / Unsplash

Being a strong bactericide, it also has a high healing power and the predecessors of Hippocrates used it in post-surgical sutures as a healing without deformities.

Honey also has the power of cell renewal and dilator vessel when used through anointing on the chest, in the cardiac region, so that the coronary arteries have greater elasticity, allowing the necessary plasma flow.

It must be considered that “bitter” and very sensitive people need the energetic docility of honey so that feelings become docile, especially regarding bitter life, dissatisfaction and lack of will.

Bean broth, rye bread and white cheese

To alleviate situations of suffering, use this easy-to-access natural tranquilizer: bean broth, rye bread and white cheese, in an alternating weekly dosage, according to the beneficiary's biotype.
The bean means the strong desire to be present in life, but without exposing oneself to the other.

The bread, the willingness to share and be part of the “feelings forms” without having to “make it appear”, in order to be accepted.

White cheese, in turn, represents the feeling of donation without expecting fruit, as the “mother cow” donates milk without asking for anything in return.

This method of advanced nutrition, transcribed lines above, should be interpreted as one more aid for our evolution and not as a “miracle”, because who heals the body is the mind that wants to heal itself. Use all forms of aid for your recovery with love and gratitude.

Remember that we are part of a perfect Universe and for this reason we must strive to seek this Universe in our core, improving our attitudes towards other people, family members and when we are faced with unpleasant situations.

Learn to let go of events and grudges.

Let compassion be a part of your every step and feel your soul unburdened, relieved and filled with love.

The psychological meaning of food
Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

When you, the reader, can look at people and perceive them, too, seeking their own happiness, even if it is through maladjusted and incomprehensible acts, then you will be cured of all the evil of the earth and the true journey of your life will present itself. clear to your eyes.

react! Don't be put off by the appearance of problems and understand that they are just shadows of your thoughts.

  • Have you ever thought about eating beans to lose weight?
  • Food combinations that support your health
  • Control your emotions with the help of these foods
  • The root of tiredness: understand how your food can be draining your energy
  • Discover 12 foods that will make you happier

Think happy and passive and forgive the actions and words of whoever they are, because many times we also hurt someone and we don't always know what we did or said, even because, at the level we are on this earth, it becomes useless. someone to point out our slips, because we are still blind to deep self-knowledge. All we can do is accept, meekly, that we still have a lot to learn about life and about our own soul that carries eternity and cosmic power itself.

Love, just love and don't worry about time!

Let your inner child play with life, let him smile more.

“Except ye become as little children, ye shall by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” (Jesus Christ).

Always forgive! To forgive is to look at the other with equality before the great boat that God built to host us in this incomprehensibly infinite Universe”.

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