Understand about Alzheimer's disease according to Cristina Cairo

Alzheimer's disease is a neuro-degenerative disease that affects more than 15 million people over 60 years of age around the world.

The disease causes the decline of intellectual functions, reducing the patient's performance in all his daily functions and in his personality.

In the initial stage, the disease affects the patient's recent memory, evolving, in the most serious condition, to difficulties in attention, orientation, understanding, language and can lead to death.

In her book, Cristina Cairo states that Alzheimer's victims may have faced great frustrations throughout their lives.

Alzheimer's disease by Cristina Cairo

Alzheimer's disease is a disease named after the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer, who lived in the XNUMXth century.

It manifests itself around the age of fifty as a dementia characterized by a profound and massive deterioration of intelligence, associated with temporal and spatial disorientation.

Understand about Alzheimer's disease according to Cristina Cairo
Anyka / Canva

Daniel G. Amen, an American neurologist and psychiatrist, author of the book 'Transform Your Brain, Transform Your Life', concluded through his brain radiography studies that these patients have perfusion (passage of fluid - including blood - through an organ ) decreased activity in the temporal lobes and a decreased activity in the parietal lobes, sometimes found in these brains, three to six years before symptoms appear. He also guarantees that it can be difficult to distinguish whether it is Alzheimer's disease or depression, as the symptoms are very similar.

By conventional medicine this disease is still considered incurable, although there are specific remedies that manage to stabilize, for some time, the functioning of the affected parts of the brain.

Chinese medicine and psychological studies of the correlation of diseases with human mental patterns show that Alzheimer's disease occurs in people who have insisted their entire lives on not accepting life as it is. In fact, they have always tried to control the events or thoughts of others in their own way, but, when contradicted, they ended up generating frustration and anger for themselves.

We all know how difficult it is for someone to oppose a person's free will, either through criticism or suggestions.

Therefore, the only way out for those who resist changing their way of seeing life is to start forgetting about it, which will reveal another extreme of their controlling and defenseless ego. These people unconsciously lose hope of transforming the environment in which they live and go into a state of dementia in order to relax.

I advise family members and friends of elderly people with this condition to talk to them normally, showing them new ways of perceiving events. Try to tell them funny and gentle stories to stimulate their good mood. You must talk to them about forgiveness and the joy of living, for they need to learn to let go in order to achieve their own freedom.

Understand about Alzheimer's disease according to Cristina Cairo
KatarzynaBialasiewicz/Getty Images Pro/Canva

Understand that while consciousness escapes life processes through the strange paths of amnesia, dementia, drugs or sleep, the human unconscious remains intact and active in its instinctive rhythm of emotions and physiological and biological needs.

Try to understand him by treating him with love and patience, even if he is violent and forgetful, as this behavior is typical of his stubborn resistance to accepting help. He knows, unconsciously, that this help will certainly cure him, which would force him to have to give his arm to twist against his will.

Dear reader, to combat this blind pride there is only one way: love him sincerely and understand that Alzheimer's disease was the only way he found for his survival, since his erroneous beliefs are deeply rooted in his mind. Talk to your subconscious as if you were talking to a normal person, which in reality it is, it just carries fears greater than its will.

So ignore appearances and love your essence.

If all family members treat him with great love, not like a sick person, but like a healthy person, he will realize in his own soul that it is worth remembering his loved ones.

Be careful what you think about it, because the collective unconscious has much more power of transmission than the verb.

Don't doubt what you still don't have full knowledge of, things are not exactly as we see with physical eyes. Your thought is a powerful weapon, therefore, to help someone it will only be possible to do so with true love in your thoughts, with your words and your attitudes. Make him capture your love for every pore and learn that age doesn't stop anyone from progressing and building dreams for the future. The future can be as long as you believe.

Understand about Alzheimer's disease according to Cristina Cairo
Syldavia / Getty Images Signature / Canva

It is worth noting that the population index of active elderly people over one hundred years of age grows every year around the world, especially in Eastern countries.

If you have a family member, friend or acquaintance with Alzheimer's disease, you need to believe, with all your heart, that it is worth collaborating so that he recovers and transforms his life for the better.

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Forgiveness, detachment and love without impositions are the ideal tools to rebuild a life.

So, allow your conscious to experience the freedom to release your family members without fear and without guilt, and you will see how much your previous behavior limited the development of the people around you and your own freedom to evolve.

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