Planetary Transition 2020/2025

    Beloved! Currently, many subjects address the Planetary Transition. Although Science is still reluctant to address this issue, channeled messages from the Spiritual World are increasingly incisive in stating that the Earth is now undergoing a Transition never seen on this Planet. For those who follow the precepts of Christ Jesus, you have already heard so many references about the End of a Time, announced by Him two thousand years ago.

    So, this time has come! The messages brought by Mediums from all corners of the Planet multiply. There is no longer any way to hide this reality. As humanity raises its consciousness, it discovers that life is not limited to being born, growing, living and dying. There's a lot more to it. Communications with extraterrestrial spirits are increasingly evident, and this makes it possible for previously unimaginable information to now become real and understandable by an increasing number of human beings.

    The Planetary Transition of the Earth is part of the divine project of the evolution of the Worlds. The Earth that sheltered Spirits in learning under a consciousness shrouded in the veil of oblivion, now begins to enter a higher level of consciousness, and therefore, more extended. If the man lived in a material world, with vibrations of the Third Dimension, in this next phase, the Earth will have an energy of the Fifth Dimension. That changes everything around here. The world we have known until then will quickly cease to exist and a renewed and very different Earth will emerge.

    The Third Dimensional Earth corresponded to a World of Atonements and Trials as the Spiritist Doctrine teaches us. The New Earth that appears, vibrating in Fifth Dimensional energies, will be a World of Regeneration, that is, free from pain and suffering. This Transition was announced by Christ when He was among us, incarnate.

    A Planetary Transition is not a one-off event. It is a grand Event, which involves the entire Galaxy. As informed by the Galactic Spirits who are here to help with this Transition, this Event lasts around 300 years. There is no exact date because it is a smooth change. It could be through violent catastrophes and that would be a sea change. The Earth, as a living and conscious organism, chose to do it through this lighter method.

    Planetary Transition 2020/2025
    AvigatorPhotographer / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    So this Transition began over 200 years ago and is now within the last few decades. The most important period and the most visible changes are between 2012 and 2052. Even so, the most significant EVENTS, that is, the most spectacular changes, will occur between 2020 and 2025. Our Spiritual Guides affirm that the humanity of today, in 2025, will no longer recognize the Earth of 2019. Such will be the change.

    Indeed, as Immortal Spirits, we humans have longed for millennia for this Time to come. And now it has arrived for real! Nothing will ever be like before. The whole society will rebuild a new organization, never imagined until now. It is the end of the Age of Material Man and the beginning of the Age of Spiritual Man.

    The World of competition will give way to a World of cooperation. Hunger, misery and slavery due to debt and subsistence work will give way to abundance and prosperity for all, without distinction. After 2050, no disease will exist anymore. Work will be just for fun. Man will no longer be born from the mother's womb, because the Spirit can become an adult. Death will no longer be necessary. Money will not exist, as there is nothing to buy, as everything will be replicated through tachyonic energy. We will be able to do what Christ did and what was called miracles.

    All this is happening gradually during this Planetary Transition that is already underway. But big events will now happen between 2020 and 2025. It will be the dissolution of the old for the reboot of the new systems. Around 30% of humanity is already awake and, in this year 2020, this index should reach 35%. This will make possible the first physical contacts with our Galactic brothers, mainly the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians and Andromedans. But there will also be other families that will be present here.

    Before that, there will be the announcement of the presence of extraterrestrial ships among us, made by the media. With them, New Technologies will be introduced that will completely change everything that exists until now. Cures for all diseases, free energy, much faster means of transportation, and many changes in Big Media, religion, education, and industries of all kinds.

    But, even so, two important sectors will have impressive changes: In the government and in the Financial System. The government system, until 2025, will be a cooperative regime, without leaders. The few public positions will be held by highly reputable people who will lead the governance, unlike today, which governs for its own sake.

    Planetary Transition 2020/2025
    Peshkova / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    Already the Financial System will completely collapse and a new one, called the Quantum Financial System (QFS), will emerge and provide abundance for all the inhabitants of the Earth. There will be money to supply every need and no one will be a slave to work and debt anymore. There will be resources for everyone to live in comfort, but without the luxuries and extravagances of today. Do not confuse this with communism or any other β€œism”, for in these regimes of β€œisms”, the governments live in opulence while the people live in misery. The new system will simply be fair.

    There will also be a big change in professions. Many will lose the sense of existing. Others will adapt to new circumstances. And there will also be new activities, never thought of before. Remembering that knowledge will not be lost, on the contrary, it will be improved. Remembering once again that no one will be unemployed, because the support will come through the new systems already reinitialized.

    The food industry will undergo major changes as well. Food will gradually become more natural. With the new energies of the Earth, the vegetables themselves are transforming to meet the new energies of the human body. The more the Light on Earth increases, the lighter the physical becomes. Everything is transformed, whether in the plant, animal or human world.

    The pharmaceutical industry will also collapse, as the cure will be natural and cheap. Treatments through pranas and the natural energies of the Earth will end all evils.

    With all these changes, and much more not mentioned here, the Earth will regenerate quickly. Nature will be totally different. The weather regime will begin to change. Over time, the deserts will bear fruit and the poles will no longer be frozen. The temperature will be mild all over the planet. And further on, earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes won't exist anymore.

    Most of the changes mentioned here will take place between 2020 and 2025. Some may not have been finalized by then, but they will certainly be in their final stages. All corrupt governments will step down during this period. Virtually everything that is not needed will also be gone by 2025.

    Planetary Transition 2020/2025
    Roberto Moreno Mateos/Getty Images/Canva

    After 2025, we will have a period of gradual adjustments that should end shortly after 2050. It will be the establishment of the NEW. Within this period, it is very likely that the man undergoes a process of rejuvenation, including the possibility of having his limbs amputated reconstituted as if he had never lost them. And also, from a certain moment, even death will not be necessary anymore.

    Everything will be created with thought. Man will also be able to teleport, not only within Planet Earth, but also to other Planets and Stars. Communication will be by telepathy. All negative feelings will cease to exist. Anger, pride, vanity, greed, envy, etc. will be things of the past. Then even the thoughts will be read by everyone, no problem. That's why telepathy is possible.

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    Finally, we are entering the moment most awaited by humanity. Although in the incarnate condition, man still does not remember who he is. By 2025, most of those who will inherit the New Earth will already be aware of their past lives and even lives on other Planets. But there will be the chaff, which is the part of humanity disinherited from Earth. Those who still indulge in evil and low vibration feelings will not reach the consciousness required to inhabit the New Earth. These should gradually, when disincarnating, stop incarnating again here. Their destiny will be Planets where there will still be Atonements and Trials, so that they can learn to live with ethics and morality.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


    Planetary Transition is the process of energy evolution of the entire planet and did you know that the first step in raising our vibrations is self-knowledge?

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