Moon in Scorpio β€” Understand Her Influence on You!

Known for bringing to our personality characteristics such as determination, motivation and, in some cases, recklessness, the Scorpio sign, ruled by the planet Uranus and the Water element, is also known for its sensuality and an accentuated importance of romanticism.

While the sun sign is important to define the general contours of our personality, as these characteristics mentioned, in the case of those who are Scorpios, that is, those who have Scorpio as their sun sign, the other stars and planets are responsible for indicating the specifics and individualities. of who we are. Each of these celestial bodies is also influenced by a sign.

If your birth chart has indicated that you have the Moon in Scorpio, the time has come to understand what this means and what characteristics this planetary position brings to your life.

A Tear on the astral map

Before understanding what the Moon in Scorpio means, it is necessary to understand what the Moon represents in the astrological chart, in order to understand the influence of the Scorpio constellation on it, since each planet and star influences us differently, dictating specific traits of who we are.

The sun sign, for example, the one we answer when asked which sign we are native to, indicates the essence of a person, that is, the general traits of who he is. The Moon, in turn, is the one who determines the way we react sentimentally and emotionally to everything that happens to us, in addition to defining the way we deal with our instincts and the most intimate things that inhabit us.

In addition, the Moon represents femininity and fertility, as it is a female symbol very associated with the mother, in the sense of the one who cares, protects, nourishes and welcomes, so this star is also responsible for indicating the way we deal with the mother. our family and our past, as well as how that past influences us. Finally, it is an indication of what is deepest in our essence.

Moon in Scorpio

But anyway, what does it mean to have the Moon in Scorpio? Before proceeding to explain what are the characteristics of the person influenced by this astrological position, it is important to explain what he is. Having the Moon in Scorpio means that, at the time of your birth, the Moon was specifically transiting the Scorpio sign, so it is he who will dictate all the influences brought by the Moon and explained in the previous topic. See below how this influence occurs.

Moon in Scorpio β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
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Characteristics of a person with Moon in Scorpio

This Moon position is tense, which indicates that this person will have, at least in the beginning of his life, until he acquires a certain maturity, a relationship somewhat conflicting with his own feelings, which can lead to those situations in which we sabotage ourselves and do the opposite of what we feel is right or we end up deluding ourselves too much. This position also makes people influenced by it quite extreme, so they love (and hate) too fast.

As you are a very intense person, you may have to deal with overwhelming levels of anger, which can manifest, for example, through a too short fuse or excessive outbursts of anger, given the size of the problem. . But love also comes suddenly, so this person is always reaching out to anyone, also doing his best to help and be with the people he loves.

One of the most complicated issues in this person's life is forgiveness, because he has some difficulty letting go of the hurts caused by someone, especially when he puts himself in the other person's shoes and thinks he wouldn't do the same, that he would be more careful. , instead of acting like the person who hurt her. It is difficult, therefore, for this person to turn pages and leave the past in the past.

When you love someone, however, this love is extremely intense, so that person makes himself available all the time and has a beautiful and generous ability to give up himself to make himself available to those who need a little bit of his presence. She is the one who would put herself in front of a bullet if a shot is fired in the direction of a loved one.

The man with the Moon in Scorpio

You may have already noticed that this is an intense person. In men, this characteristic is mainly manifested in the perfectionist and methodical way in which they deal with their problems, projects and routine. It is difficult for a man influenced by this position to give up their opinions and the ways in which they are used to dealing with their problems, so a difficulty and even resistance can arise when listening to the other.

The man affected by this astrological position is quite irritable and falls very easily into provocations, so he often gets involved in unnecessary fights and disagreements, which only delay his path. At work, he may end up becoming that person who doesn't listen to his boss; in the family, the one who doesn't listen to the wife, the husband, the parents. This behavior can even cause that person to lack respect towards loved ones.

Moon in Scorpio β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Sigmars Berzins / Pixabay

The woman with the Moon in Scorpio

Routine and organization are essential for the woman influenced by the Moon in Scorpio. To have a smooth and peaceful day, she needs to feel that she is following her schedules, her schedules, and the way she usually does her chores.

The woman affected by this position is a somewhat suspicious person, who takes a while to feel comfortable in someone's presence and even longer to trust a stranger; but when a relationship kicks off, she'll do anything to show her love for this once-strange person.

Personal relationships of those who have Moon in Scorpio

Passion is a good word to describe how this person behaves in their relationships. She is extremely passionate about her family; for her work, if she fits into her profession; by your friends; and above all for her romantic partner, for whom she is capable of doing the greatest love madness possible.

This can be beautiful, but it can also cause a problem that, in the long run, can have very negative effects: this person can end up giving so much to the other, that he will end up forgetting himself, neglecting his wishes and dedicating little time to yes.

Betrayals and breaches of trust are hardly forgiven by this person, so a friendship or a decades-old marriage can end once and for all if the other does not act loyally and follow prearranged agreements. Being by this person's side is always being vigilant and attentive so as not to make mistakes, but also having the guarantee of being next to someone loyal, reliable and who will always be available.

Moon in Scorpio β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
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The challenges of those who have the Moon in Scorpio

This person's primary challenge is to learn to deal with his or her moments of anger and rage, finding ways not to vent their impetus on other people, especially those who don't deserve bad treatment. Measuring the consequences of words and attitudes is essential.

Understanding that, sometimes, people make mistakes and that's ok, because tomorrow the wrong one could be you, is essential, since forgiveness is a primordial part of life. Long-term relationships only work if the people involved in them know how to forgive and overlook possible footsteps. Last but not least is learning to take time for yourself. This person is always making himself so available to the people he loves, that he ends up neglecting himself and his own needs, but it is impossible to maintain a good relationship with the other, if we do not maintain, first of all, a good relationship with ourselves.

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These are some of the main personality traits of the person who has the Moon in Scorpio. Before jumping to conclusions, however, it is essential that you make a complete birth chart and understand how the characteristics brought by this astrological position interact with characteristics imposed by other positions.

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