Moon in Cancer β€” Understand Her Influence on You!

Emotions on the surface, attachment, care, sensitivity… These are some of the main characteristics of the sign of Cancer, a sign ruled by the Moon and the Water element. These characteristics are quite present in those who have Cancer as a sun sign, the famous Cancerians, but those who have read an Astral Map know very well that it is not just the sun sign that influences our lives.

If the sun sign is responsible for outlining the main traits of who we are, other stars and planets influence certain specific characteristics of our personality. The Moon, for example, is one of the stars that most influence who we are. If you found out that you have the Moon in Cancer, understand right now what that means.

To Tears on the Astral Map

Before detailing the specific meaning of the Moon in Cancer, it is important to understand what the meaning of the Moon and its position in the Birth Chart is and how it influences your personality. As already explained, each star and each planet affects us in a different way; the Moon, for example, is primarily responsible for dictating the way we react emotionally to what happens to us and how we deal with the emotions we feel throughout life.

The Moon is a feminine element that alludes to motherhood, symbolizing the one that nourishes and protects, so it also has a certain influence on the way we deal with our family and, especially, with maternal figures. Finally, self-knowledge and self-love are also very important concepts for the Moon, because the position of this star gives very strong indications of what nourishes our happiness and touches us most deeply.

Moon in Cancer

After all, what is it like to have the Moon in Cancer? In summary, having the Moon in Cancer indicates that the Moon was situated in the constellation Cancer at the time of birth of the person influenced by that astrological position, so all the characteristics of the Moon described above will be affected by the sign of Cancer.

A detail about this planetary position is that it is extremely favorable, as it is considered a domicile position, since the Moon is precisely ruler of the sign of Cancer. If you want to understand how this astrological position directly influences our lives, check out the topics below.

Personal relationships of those who have Moon in Cancer

As they are extremely sensitive people, those who have the Moon in Cancer find it difficult to relate to people who are very direct, rude or unaffectionate. In addition, precisely because of sensitivity, people influenced by this astrological position need a lot of dialogue and do not accept that problems and situations are poorly resolved, otherwise, these hurts will increase in size and can irreversibly damage their relationships, whatever they may be. go.

Moon in Cancer β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Karen Warfel/Pixabay

Despite understanding and accepting their sensitivity, these people need to be careful not to victimize themselves too much, developing a pity complex that always puts the people they interact with as toxic and abusive, while they are always the hurt ones. There are even cases in which people with Moon in Cancer start to use this sensitivity that everyone knows as a weapon of manipulation and blackmail (example: β€œIf you act like this, you will hurt me, so don't even try!”), and no one wants to. being close to those who abuse blackmail, right? Learning to dose and balance this sensitivity is essential.

Characteristics of a person with Moon in Cancer

As explained, the Moon in Cancer is a Moon at home, which greatly increases the probability that people influenced by this astrological position will be able to work, throughout their lives, a rather large and rare emotional control. It's not that they will be born knowing how to perfectly control their emotions, but they will be much easier to do so than other people, finding harmony where most see only chaos.

This is a planetary position that indicates a very intuitive person and that, therefore, usually takes their instincts and intuition into account much more than logical reasoning or feelings and emotions that are the result of long reflections or many events. They are people who find it easy to make a decision at the moment when a fact is unfolding.

The past is a very dear thing to these people, especially family members or people they interacted with in their early years or adolescence. It also means that these people's early life experiences will greatly influence the rest of their lives. So people who had suffered childhood and adolescence need to work on this so that they let go of the suffering at the beginning of the journey.

The woman with the Moon in Cancer

As she is quite sensitive and intuitive, the woman with the Moon in Cancer tends to develop mediumistic abilities. Among those who follow some form of religion, this means that the woman with the Moon in Cancer is usually able to capture and channel energies that ordinary people completely ignore. Among those who do not have spiritual beliefs, this can only mean that the woman influenced by this position makes more conscious and accurate decisions based on her instincts and intuition.

Moon in Cancer β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Free-Photos / Pixabay

Benevolence and solidarity are also very present characteristics in the personality of the woman with the Moon in Cancer, but these characteristics tend to focus on the people they love and care for, so they are not the type that goes around doing charity for them. anyone, but reach out to any loved one in need.

The man with the Moon in Cancer

The man influenced by the Moon in Cancer tends to stand out quite professionally precisely because of a very striking feature in the personality of people influenced by this planetary position: intuition. Very proactive and anticipating problems, this man is able to suggest solutions that surprise his colleagues and his bosses and is very willing to try, make mistakes, recalculate the route and then try again.

Being extremely sensitive, a point that counts a lot for men influenced by this planetary position is that they have a hard time dealing with criticism in any sphere of life, especially in professional life and in romantic relationships, so they always try to justify their mistakes in life. so that your bar is cleaner.

The challenges of those who have Moon in Cancer

The primary challenge for anyone influenced by the Moon in Cancer, whether male or female, is to learn to balance their sensitivity so that relationships are not marred by big hurts caused by small events, in addition to other problems already mentioned. If there is balance, these people will be seen with good eyes by everyone.

Learning to balance your intuition with logical considerations and with your feelings is also very important because our intuition often makes us make immediate decisions that, because they have been little considered, can lead to disastrous consequences. So being less immediate is the most accurate advice.

Being very sensitive, this person is always offering his help to other people. Since her help is often quite generous and beautiful, people tend to turn to her whenever they need it, which can cause this person to develop a sense of helping others often, but end up forgetting about themselves. Remembering that it is not possible to take care of anyone if we ourselves are not well is essential for this person.

Moon in Cancer β€” Understand Her Influence on You!
Free-Photos / Pixabay

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Although the characteristics described here about this astrological position are accurate, only a birth chart can determine how you are affected by stars and planets, as different astrological positions can mix and give different results for the individual characteristics of each astrological position. Make your Astral Map and understand how the signs and planets influence your personality.

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