Mercury in Libra

Mercury in Libra

Carrying out a process of self-knowledge is not as simple a task as it seems, as it takes a lot of effort and a lot of attention to discover who we are, recognize our qualities and overcome our weaknesses. Fortunately, there are many tools that help us to do this and one of them is astrology.

Knowing information about your birth, such as place, date and time, you can find out what your birth chart is, either with a professional astrologer or with a reliable website. From this, you will understand how each part of the Universe acts in the definition of your personality.

In the midst of many aspects to analyze, you will come across the planet Mercury. He is responsible for defining the way you communicate and will exert a different influence according to the astrological aspect he is in.

So, if you have Mercury in Libra, just check out the continuation of the article we prepared. Know what are the characteristics of this astrological aspect, what it indicates about you and what are the challenges you will have to face to find your best version.

Characteristics of those who have Mercury in Libra

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is well known for encouraging sympathy and balance in natives. In communication, these two characteristics come together to build solid and pleasant human relationships. Learn more about it!

The person who has Mercury in Libra prioritizes good relationships with other people. To this end, she acts with diplomacy, seeks to settle conflicts and knows how to communicate very well what she feels and thinks, even to those she has just met, which is why they are usually popular.

Furthermore, it is observed that the astrological aspect Mercury in Libra stimulates curiosity. An individual who introduces you will be able to converse with another person for a long time, because he is genuinely interested in what he has to say. Thanks to this, he will make a good impression and be a good adviser when needed.

What does a person with Mercury in Libra have to learn?

As friendly and pleasant as the communication of those who have Mercury in Libra is, there are still some points of attention for these natives. The first of these is the desire to bond only with those who have a good reputation or a similar level of popularity to that individual.

This person's judgment of someone's appearance may not always be correct, and they may end up losing friends because of it. That's why it's interesting to try to build deeper and truer bonds without getting attached to the superficiality of certain types of relationship.

Another characteristic that can harm those who have Mercury in Libra is indecision. While listening to various opinions before forming your own is a positive thing, it can lead to a position β€œon the fence”. At times, we need to position ourselves accurately and it is possible to do this fairly.

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Finally, a person who has this astrological aspect has a strong desire to be popular, and in order to do this, he may end up giving up some convictions or saying something just to please other people. Therefore, they should avoid this type of behavior, to preserve honesty and build more lasting bonds.

After all the information we have presented, you are already able to understand the qualities and points to be improved for those who have Mercury in Libra. Balance, sympathy and good advice can be even more positive without an excessive attachment to appearances and indecision. To learn more about who you are, unravel other parts of your birth chart!

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