Mars Retrograde

    You might be thinking, β€œWhat should that be? The astrologer who doesn't help at all and leaves us even more confused?”.

    But I'll explain exactly what that means and how you can use it to your advantage.

    Retrograde motion is as if the planet is moving backwards. Astronomically this is not possible, but for an astrological interpretation this movement can happen, but in a different way. APPARENT. I'll explain better: it happens that, from the Earth's point of view, one has the impression that the planet (x) is following the opposite motion.

    Mars RetrogradeRight now we have the planet Mars transiting in the constellation of Aquarius in retrograde motion. This movement will take place until August 28th, so stay tuned for this important information to follow more fully and aware of what is happening.

    The retrograde movement asks of us a REVALUATION of important attitudes and decisions that will highlight significant changes. I like to call the planets STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, because that is exactly the role of each of the planets in the sky.

    Let's understand how Mars works:

    1 - Assess the conditions you have to exercise your autonomy;

    2 - See if it fits with your personal identity;

    3 - Exercise the courage to deal with challenges;

    4 - Overcome instincts such as anger, hatred, impulsiveness and fights;

    5 - Situations you need to deal with, such as surgical events and immediate action, may come back;

    6 - Rainfall can lead to accidents, fire events and unnecessary fights.

    Mars Retrograde

    There's nothing better than taking time to take a breather and be able to RE-EVALUATE decisions. The best way is to understand the experience and have the humility to go back and walk more sure and confident than you want.

    Aquarians are currently experiencing this situation, but the signs of Leo, Taurus and Scorpio are also feeling the impacts.


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