Lunar Calendar 2021

You may have heard that it is more appropriate to cut your hair at a certain moon phase, right? But escaping the superficiality of what many say, the lunar phases have several influences on our life. Each of the four phases of the Moon causes different influences, causing certain consequences, both in plantations and in the tides and in us, human beings. Even though the strength of this satellite is not scientifically proven, its phases are related to various aspects of human life on Earth.

People who seek self-knowledge usually pay attention to the stars, Astrology and everything the Universe tends to provide us. As the Moon does not have its own light and depends on the illumination of the Sun, all the issues that involve its phases – new, waxing, full and waning – arouse sensations, feelings, and also provide specific moments for us to take certain attitudes or choices in life. . Connecting with the lunar energies can be a way to get a little closer to your inner self, your true essence and who you really are and can be.

If you understand a little about the zodiac signs and you usually follow your horoscope, you also know the great influence that the zodiac signs have on our personality. For this reason, it is also valid to pay attention to the astrological house in which the Moon will be found in each phase of this year. Check out the power and influence of lunar phases below and see the full 2021 calendar!

Lunar Calendar 2021
ParallelVision / Pixabay

How does the Moon influence us?

If you've heard of energy, you need to know that the Moon has lots, lots of energy! Her movement directly influences the tides, more precisely fishing, as well as influencing our body, having a direct connection with our mood, hair, feelings, emotions and pregnancy.

Lunar phases are seen as the beginnings, middles and ends of cycles for human beings and send out specific energies that bring out the best times for certain things. There are times when we will feel a greater need for seclusion, others when we will want to advance professionally, in love life, in short – and all of this is influenced by the moons. If your aim is to know how to deal with your emotions better, pay attention to the lunar calendar and the movement of the signs, in addition to focusing on what each of the phases will vibrate in you:

New Moon 2021

The New Moon is considered the first phase of a cycle, it is the exact moment when the Moon is thin or invisible in the sky. This phase is indicated to start over, to plan and take the plans off the paper. Everything that is sown now will be reaped later – both the good and the bad, see? Take the opportunity to move your ideas, embrace the opportunities that the Universe sends you and remember old dreams that were left behind.

Lunar Calendar 2021
Free download / Pixabay

Dates: January 13 (Capricorn), February 11 (Aquarius), March 13 (Pisces), April 11 (Aries), May 11 (Taurus), June 10 (Solar Eclipse, Gemini), July 9 (Cancer), August 8 (Leo), September 6 (Virgo), October 6 (Libra), November 4 (Scorpio) and December 4 (Solar Eclipse, Sagittarius).

Crescent Moon 2021

After taking the plans off the paper and planting your seeds in the New Moon phase, the Crescent Moon is the time to act and water. This is where you develop, whether professionally, lovingly or financially speaking. If your intention is for your hair to grow, for example, cut it at this stage! Bet on what you believe in and don't hesitate to intensify relationships.

Dates: January 20 (Taurus), February 19 (Gemini), March 21 (Cancer), April 20 (Leo), May 19 (Leo), June 18 (Virgo), July 17 (Libra) , August 15th (Scorpio), September 13th (Sagittarius), October 13th (Capricorn), November 11th (Aquarius) and December 10th (Pisces).

full moon 2021

The Full Moon is one of the most mystical phases of the Moon, because of its strong energy that is able to influence even the gestation of women. At this stage, our emotions are touched and, therefore, we need to be careful not to make any decision or attitude without first thinking and reflecting. This is not the time to decide, just to enjoy the fruits of the previous phases. The energy that the Full Moon vibrates allows us to fulfill personal desires and also to increase our most sensual side.

Dates: January 28 (Leo), February 27 (Virgo), March 28 (Libra), April 27 (Supermoon, Scorpio), May 26 (Lunar Eclipse, Sagittarius), June 24 (Capricorn), 23 July 22 (Aquarius), August 20 (Aquarius), September 20 (Pisces), October 19 (Aries), November 19 (Lunar Eclipse, Taurus) and December XNUMX (Gemini).

Waning Moon 2021

The Waning Moon is nothing more than the end of a cycle, the end of certain transformations. This phase brings up reflections on attitudes taken and is the ideal time to analyze everything that has gone right and wrong so far, so that it is possible to align what needs to be aligned. The best thing you can do at this time is to remove negative people from your life, get rid of all the negativity that surrounds you, get in touch with your inner self and make space for everything that is new. It's time to relax!

Lunar Calendar 2021
Exposimentofotologico / Pixabay

Dates: January 6 (Libra), February 4 (Scorpio), March 5 (Sagittarius), April 4 (Capricorn), May 3 (Aquarius), June 2 (Pisces), July 1 (Aries) , July 31 (Taurus), August 30 (Gemini), September 28 (Cancer), October 28 (Leo), November 27 (Virgo) and December 26 (Libra).

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Staying on top of the phases of the Moon and the signs that are part of this movement is a way of working side by side with nature and the Universe. This action promotes your self-knowledge and makes you always aligned with the lunar energies. How about following this calendar closely and respecting the energy and moment that each of the four phases of the Moon impose on our life? Take care of yourself and be aware of the influences of this influential star!

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