How can Holistic Therapies help in curing Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

How can Holistic Therapies help in curing Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Despite the fact that many people who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome have some type of food intolerance, it is not this factor that triggers the syndrome, nor are problems such as worms, infections, etc. What I notice in my daily experiences with people with this problem, and also from my own experience (because I also suffered with the syndrome for a while), is that most of them do not have food intolerance. Even people who had an episode of verminosis or infection, for example, were at the mercy of the syndrome not because of the action of the pathogens, but because of the feeling they have in relation to the experience that these problems have caused them.

After a bout of severe diarrhea, or constipation, a person with a depressive or anxious tendency can be traumatized by the suffering, causing these episodes to recur over and over again. That is, the physical problem unbalances the emotional, and the emotional in turn worsens the physical problem, in an endless cycle.

After performing several tests, and being treated with several allopathic medications, the initial problem (infectious) disappears, and why don't the symptoms? Because the syndrome is a set of physical symptoms triggered by psychological, emotional problems.

The syndrome itself is not a disease, and its treatment should focus on the person's emotional and energetic balance.

Several methods are successfully used in the treatment, such as: florals, homeopathy, meditation, relaxation and Reiki.

In cases in which the patient proposes to change his way of thinking, acting, and really dedicates himself to the treatment, in a short time the symptoms disappear, the person returns to eating well and significantly improves anxiety and depression, improving others. aspects of your life.

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Heads up! We should pay attention to homemade recipes (teas, medicines, etc) that friends indicate! Even teas have contraindications! A careful assessment is required. Therefore, always consult a trained therapist.

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