Life Mission, through the eyes of Astrology

What is your true vocation? Is the job, the career you've chosen, making your heart flutter?

We are often well positioned in a job, with a nice position and a nice salary, but something inside us indicates that something is missing, that we are not doing everything we could. Have you ever felt it? For astrology, the birth chart is divided into 12 sectors, which we call astrological houses, the 10th house is the house that carries a very important point in our natal chart, the middle of the sky. This point brings what we came to leave to the world, as our legacy, it talks about career, about work and especially about our soul vocation, what truly fulfills us, brings a lot about our gifts and talents.

If you don't know the sign of your midheaven, it's interesting that you make your chart, it may even be on websites that offer your birth chart for free. For you to find out the position of your midheaven and if you want to go deeper, I suggest you look for an astrologer, who is the one who will translate the message of the stars for you in a very complete way.

Thus, the sign that is positioned in the middle of the sky brings a lot about our life mission:

Midheaven in Aries: whoever came with this positioning, came with the strength of a warrior, is that person who throws himself into his projects, the one who chooses his fights and his battles. It is very important that he can have freedom and autonomy in decision-making. He is a person who has difficulty fitting into imposed rules. With the gift of leadership, he often becomes boss, team leader. It is very common for a person with this positioning to be an athlete, a competitor, since competition is a stimulus for this positioning. It is also common to find great entrepreneurs with this positioning. Sports, courses on entrepreneurship strengthen the achievements of a person with midheaven in Aries.

Life Mission, through the eyes of Astrology

Midheaven in Taurus: He is a great director, he came to leave his legacy of work and material achievements. He is an extremely hardworking, patient and persevering person, recognized for being firm, but very affectionate. Professions that are linked to structure, physical structure, foundations with everything concrete are part of this positioning.

Midheaven in Gemini: the midheaven in Gemini came to communicate, to express itself, to exchange ideas and information. This positioning brings great inclination to professions that involve speaking, teaching, learning, writing, the internet and also commerce. This person knows how to sell his fish very well, he is an excellent seller and trader, whatever the area! Reading, culture, study will increasingly expand the talents of someone with midheaven in Gemini.

Life Mission, through the eyes of Astrology

Midheaven in Cancer: came to care, came to nourish, not only to nourish with physical food but with food for people's souls, great sensitivity to people's affective formation. It is important for the person with this placement to use their intuition and all the sensitivity they have in their work. Professions that involve caring, therapists, doctors, caregivers, teachers, veterinarians have a lot to do with this positioning. They are excellent mentors and advisers. The important thing is that the midheaven in Cancer, regardless of the profession, always brings that loving look, that sense of family to any professional choice.

Midheaven in Leo: with this positioning, the person came to place himself in the world, he came to shine, he came to put all his creativity and gift of leadership into action. This mid-heaven makes the person expose themselves a lot in their profession, so they will always need to work on strengthening their self-esteem. The professions that involve the stage, speakers, artists, teachers, presenters, have a lot to do with this positioning.

Life Mission, through the eyes of Astrology

Midheaven in Virgo: great sense of observation and criticism. He is a very efficient person, who works very well organizing companies and other people's lives. Professions related to auditing, screening, quality, which need expertise. He is an impeccable person with the work he came to do, he sees the egg hair… he can identify everything that is outside the organizational flow.

Midheaven in Libra: promoting harmony, balance is one of the great gifts of a Libra midheaven. Professions that involve justice (lawyer, prosecutor, judge), that need diplomacy and also professions with a great aesthetic sense of beauty, models, dealing with works of art, decoration, architecture, have to do with this middle of heaven.

Life Mission, through the eyes of Astrology

Midheaven in Scorpio: came with the mission of transforming the wound into healing, to help transform the world! He is very good at planning, he is a person who takes a bankrupt company and makes the company rise from the ashes, great alchemical force and internal transformation. Professions that bring deep transformations: therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist and even those who deal with the transformation of elements, such as cooking, for example.

Midheaven in Sagittarius: came to point the way, great gift of teaching, not necessarily as a teacher, but within a company, for example, because it is linked to training, to teaching people how to do it better. He is master of the soul. It needs freedom of space so it can grow, so it can go beyond. Professions that allow travel and studies will bring a lot of fulfillment to this positioning.

Midheaven in Capricorn: his great legacy is his work, he is extremely disciplined and focused on his career, he has great ability to reach high positions, directors, business management, he brings the desire to accomplish and reach the top of the mountain. He is an excellent administrator, no matter what profession he chooses.

Life Mission, through the eyes of Astrology

Midheaven in Aquarius: came with the mission to help people, to bring innovative ideas, is someone who is ahead of his time, avatar of new ideas. It needs to be involved with positive change within a community. It needs freedom to express its full innovative potential.

Midheaven in Pisces: a very sensitive midheaven. He is a person who inspires other people, who shows that dreams can be realized, he came to integrate the whole: the physical plane and the spiritual plane, artist, musician, poet, writer, therapist, everything that involves play is somehow connected to that positioning.

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A position of healing, sensitivity and a lot of inspiration.

Did you enjoy knowing the life mission of each zodiac sign placement? Today's message is that the more aligned a person is with the mission of life, the more strength of accomplishment and the more nourishment he will bring to his soul.

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