Libra zodiac characteristics

Known as the most balanced people of the Zodiac, Libra natives - born between September 23 and October 22 - are always looking for calm, tranquility and harmony in their walks. But do you know all the characteristics of Libras, like their personality, the way they behave in love and what their astral hell period is like? Check out in this article the fundamental characteristics of people with Libra as a sun sign and understand everything about this sign!

Sun in Libra

If you've read an Astral Map, you know that each planet and each star influences us in a different and specific way. The Sun, for example, is responsible for determining the most basic and fundamental characteristics of our personality, so it is as if it dictates our essence. If you have the Sun in Libra, that is, you are Libra, it means that, at the time you came into the world, the Sun was transiting exactly in the sign of Libra, so he will define your essence.

Libra Symbols

Among the 12 signs of the Zodiac, Libra is the only one whose symbol is an inanimate figure, that is, without animals or human beings. The symbol of the natives of this sign is a scale, which represents them precisely because Libras are known for being balanced, especially when deciding between reason and emotion, characteristics that they try to reconcile. The scale, therefore, comes as a symbol of always weighing and trying to balance everything before making a decision.

Libra zodiac characteristics
Free-Photos / Pixabay

Libra sign not love

Image is very important to Libras, so the person accompanying them should make them feel proud, whether in physical appearance, intelligence, or some other characteristic. Libras, therefore, fall in love, first of all, with the image that the person presents, before getting to know them deeply. They are creative lovers who love to have deep conversations about the meaning of love or life. More than intense and passionate relationships, they love relationships that are, above all, interesting. They are modern and progressive companions, so they don't accept less than that from their partners.

Libra personality

The main characteristic of the Libran personality is a great need to live in balance and harmony, always weighing pros and cons and avoiding excesses of all kinds. Libras love interpersonal relationships of all kinds: romantic relationships, friendships, family relationships… They love being around the people they love and, above all, they love being around people. Also, they have a hard time making decisions; the more important the decision, the more difficult it will be, because they will spend immeasurable times analyzing the situation.

Libra zodiac characteristics

Known for having good taste, especially in all things visual, such as physical appearance and clothing, Libras are also known to be good moderators of conflict situations, always trying to get everyone involved in a mess to accept a compromise to resolve. the situation. They therefore hate quarrels and disagreements of any kind. Art is often among his biggest interests, especially dance, music, poetry, and visual arts of any kind, but painting stands out.

Libra zodiac characteristics
Mabel Amber / Pixabay

Libra and the other signs

β€” Aries: Aries have a tendency to commit excesses and exaggerations that can irritate the always balanced Libras, so it will be necessary to reconcile these characteristics.

β€” Taurus: Sensitive and harmonious Libras can bring more lightness to Taureans' self-charges, so things may work out.

β€” Gemini: Gemini naturally arouse Libra's curiosity. In addition, Libra natives enchant Geminis for being so courteous and intuitive.

β€” Cancer: Cancerians are imaginative and very inventive, while Libras are sensitive, balanced and delicate, so the two will attract each other at first.

β€” Leo: Leos like to always be at the center of everything and to be applauded for their actions, but Libras are more discreet and balanced, so it can be hard to reconcile.

β€” Virgo: Virgo's intelligence will enchant Libras, who will naturally seduce Virgo natives with their delicacy and sensitivity.

Libra zodiac characteristics
Theodore Moise/Pixabay

β€” Libra: Libra's perfect date is probably another Libra, because as they need a lot of balance in life, only another Libra to understand this perfectly.

β€” Scorpio: Possessiveness, passionate passions, and sexual games and seduction are among the interests of Scorpios, which can displease balanced and stable Libras.

β€” Sagittarius: it's a pleasant encounter, because Sagittarius and Libras are very loyal, polite and kind, so there's everything for the encounter to evolve into something beyond that.

β€” Capricorn: Libras are quite balanced, so they like to stay at home, but they also love to go out, which can displease Capricorns, who are more reserved.

β€” Aquarius: It's a very good date, because Aquarius won't feel trapped at all, as Libra will encourage him to fly. Also, Aquarius natives will always have something new, something Libra natives love.

β€” Pisces: Pisces are pure emotion, driven entirely by feelings, while Libras are more analytical and balanced, which can fascinate or drive them away.

Astral hell of Libra

The astral hell of the natives of Libra occurs 30 days before their birthday, so it occurs under the sign of Virgo. It is a time when Libras are on the alert for any slightest event, which makes them lose control and have the agonizing feeling that they are leaning too much to one side, which messes up their need for balance. Because they consider themselves extremely unbalanced, they find it very difficult to make decisions during this phase. Also, they lose some focus on what they need to do to achieve the goals they set for themselves.

Libra zodiac characteristics

Libra Decans

1st decan (23/09 to 01/10): extremely generous and charismatic, also indecisive and vain. He loves being in the company of friends and dresses very well because he has a very refined sense of aesthetics and considers harmony essential in life.

2nd decan (02/10 to 11/10): This is the most daring, authentic and creative type of Libra. He is a person who exercises his freedom above all else and has a keen curiosity and extremely strong opinions on any subject.

3rd decan (12/10 to 22/10): agile, restless and very lively, you are great at communicating and convincing people. He is often anxious and hates feeling stagnant in life or bored. He's always looking for new things and gets bored easily.

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These are the main ways in which the sign of Libra influences those who have this sun sign. But if you are a Libra, you need to know that the Sun is not the only star that influences your personality, so it is important to make a complete Birth Chart to visualize how other stars and planets influence your personality.

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