Know the meanings of the zodiac signs

There are 12 zodiac signs, each of which has its own personality, characteristics, qualities and also weaknesses. What is popularly known as a sign, in fact, is the sun sign, determined by the position of the Sun in relation to the Earth at the time of birth, but there are other signs in the birth chart, such as the ascending, descending, Moon. , among others, each one ruled by a planet, however the sun sign is usually the one that expresses more particularities in people.

The 12 signs are related through the four essential elements of nature, being fire, water, air and earth. The elements represent the main energy at work in each sign. These energies can influence many factors in life, such as social relationships, emotions, thoughts, behaviors, basic character, etc. Therefore, many people deepen their studies and knowledge in astrology, the field that allows them to better understand the strength that the signs have, as well as helping to focus on the positive aspects and work on the negatives in search of improvements.

Astrology can offer some answers and help, for example, to solve problems, improve relationships, make decisions or even get tips on how to deal with someone of a certain sign. Pretty cool huh? So let's understand better what astrology is, about the 12 zodiac signs and what their symbologies represent.

What is astrology?

Know the meanings of the zodiac signs
Calwaen Liew / Unsplash

Astrology is considered a pseudoscience that studies the influence of the stars, according to their positions and movements, in human life. It is believed that the positions of celestial bodies can interfere and give information about a person's personality, interpersonal relationships, behaviors and even make predictions, from the date and time of birth.

In astrology, the zodiac represents the circumference of the positions of the planets in the sky through the 12 signs, namely: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. In addition, there is the grouping of the signs by the 4 elements of the zodiac: water, air, earth and fire.

Each element has its own atmosphere of characteristics and particularities, bringing together three zodiac signs in each group of elements.

water element signs

Generally speaking, water sign people are guided by emotion. Quite intuitive and loving, they love to be in the presence of those they love. The signs that make up this group are: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

air element signs

Air sign people are generally very communicative, friendly and independent. The three signs that make up this group are: Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

earth element signs

Earth sign people are very down-to-earth, down-to-earth, practical and like stability, and can be a little emotional. The signs in this group are: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

fire element signs

Fire signs bring adventurous, strong, idealistic and strong-willed people, and can often be brave. The fire signs are: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

Know the meanings of the zodiac signs
Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

The 12 zodiac signs

The zodiac sign is actually the Sun sign, that is, the position the Sun occupies at birth. See the calendar of signs below:

1. Aries: March 21 to April 20

2. Taurus: April 21 to May 21

3. Gemini: May 22 to June 21

4. Cancer: June 22 to July 23

5. Leo: July 24th to August 23rd

6. Virgo: August 24 to September 21

7. Libra: September 22 to October 23

8. Scorpio: October 24th to November 23rd

9. Sagittarius: November 24th to December 21st

10 Capricorn: December 22 to January 21

11 Aquarius: January 22nd to February 19th

12 Pisces: February 20th to March 20th

Know the meanings of the zodiac signs
InspiredImages / Pixabay

Meaning of the symbols and characteristics of each sign

The first sign of the zodiac is Aries, represented by the ram, a strong animal that always walks forward, so Aries opens the way for the other signs that come after him. People of the Aries sign are, in general, courageous, firm. They can often be considered brave, but they are born leaders.

The bull is the very symbolism of its sign, an animal that represents power, strength and will to live, just like the natives of this sign. Taurus, when angry, do not miss a chance to attack, but they keep their feet on the ground and enjoy comfort and security.

The sign of Gemini is represented by the symbol of two connected people, demonstrating the ambiguity present in this sign. The Gemini is usually a very intelligent, communicative person and is easy to create connections with other people, being always surrounded by friends.

Cancerians are represented by the figure of the crab, an animal that, with its claws, usually clings to things and people, as well as individuals of its sign. Despite the hard shell, they are sensitive inside, being loving people, who act out of emotion.

Leos, as their name suggests, are represented by the lion, a noble, imposing and leading animal. That's why those who have the Sun in Leo love to be the center of attention, having good self-esteem, authority and courage to venture out in life.

The symbol of the sign of Virgo is the letter "M" of the word "mother", carrying a maternal meaning, referring to purity and perfection. This is how Virgo people identify themselves: they seek perfectionism in their actions, humanity and put order where there is chaos, just like mothers.

Know the meanings of the zodiac signs
DarkmoonArt_de / Pixabay

The representation of the sign of Libra is the figure of a scale, indicating that the natives of this sign always seek balance and harmony, so, in general, Libras are peaceful people, a little indecisive, but very diplomatic and ethical.

The symbol representing Scorpio is a mixture of two animals: the eagle, signifying the ability to soar; and the scorpion itself, which hides in hidden places. This double symbology shows the struggle between spirit and material in Scorpios, as they are very perceptive, very intuitive and intense.

The mythological creature of the centaur with a bow and arrow is the representative symbol of the Sagittarius sign. The centaur represents the intellectual side of the human being, with the strength and speed of the horse, while the arrow represents the quest for conquest. Therefore, Sagittarians are people who value freedom, are optimistic and adventurous.

The twisted-horned goat is the symbol of the zodiac sign Capricorn. This animal represents persistence and ambition, hallmarks of Capricorns. In general, they are responsible, focused, mature people who give a lot of value to material goods, always seeking social advancement.

The sign of Aquarius is the eleventh of the zodiac, represented by a water bearer pouring water, which conveys the idea of ​​freedom, intelligence and creativity, characteristics common to the natives of this sign. Aquarians tend to be independent, original and innovative, and in some situations they can seem β€œrebellious”.

The symbolism of the sign of Pisces is portrayed by two fish in opposite directions, but tied by a cord, demonstrating the contradiction present in Pisceans, who are usually emotional and dreamy, living a world of fantasies. On the other hand, they can live in a world of spirituality, seeking the evolution of humanity. The fish also represents the end of a cycle, so it is the last sign of the zodiac.

Know the meanings of the zodiac signs
Robin Higgins / Pixabay

People who believe in zodiac signs are happier

The study of zodiac signs is quite interesting, don't you think? With it, it is possible to understand the position of the signs in the birth chart and how these influences are connected with the personality and our daily lives, generating possible self-knowledge and understanding of the facts.

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Of course, there is no scientific proof of exact accuracy. For many astrology is nothing more than superstition, but one thing is proven: people who believe in astrology are, in general, happier and satisfied with their life for the benefits it can provide.

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